Page 26 of Chasing Us (Chasing)
“Son, you get back into that car of yours and go back to town.”
I put my hands in the air and keep walking toward the man. “I can’t do that. You have something that belongs to me. Let Melody go, and we’ll talk.”
He shakes his head, but the barrel doesn’t move. “I didn’t go through the trouble of tranquing her and bringing her all the way out here to just let her go.”
“I don’t know what happened that caused you to take the actions you did, but I know you’re a good man, Doc Wells. You cared for the Harrisville animals for nearly four decades. Killing people isn’t your style. Hurting people isn’t your style either. Let Melody go before someone gets hurt.” I place a foot on the first step.
“Not another move, Charles.”
I’m faster than Doc Wells, driven by both fear and desperation because only a fool would rush a man holding a 12-gauge shotgun at his chest. I grab the barrel and twist to the side, pulling Doc Wells around. His 65-year-old frame is no match for my strength, and he stumbles, losing his grip on the shotgun. I crack it open and drop the shells to the ground. Doc Wells lunges toward me. I bring up the butt and whack it against the side of his face. His eyes roll into the back of his head, and he drops to the porch. I rush inside and find Melody lying on her side on the sofa.
“Baby, baby, wake up.” I pat her gently on the face.
Her eyes flutter open. She lurches forward and throws her arms around my neck. “You’re here,” she cries.
“I’ll always come for you.” I lift her into my arms and walk out of the home. Doc Wells is still lying on the ground. I nudge him with the toe of my boot. He stirs and struggles to sit up.
“Why’d you do it, Doc?”
“He wasn’t taking care of the animals. He was too busy screwing all the ladies in town. He didn’t deserve my practice. When I went to buy it back, he laughed at me and told me to get out. I didn’t want to hurt that girl, but she came in while I was finishing him off.” Unrepentant, Doc Wells raises his chin. “He wasn’t meant to be a vet.”
“Maybe so, but he didn’t deserve to die for it.”
“You did it, Mel.” Emma clips my veil in for me. I can’t believe this day is finally here. It had been a small fight with Frank. After everything that happened, he wanted us married that same day, but I managed to calm him down. The town of Harrisville was once again safe, and he knew that I wanted to do our wedding right. He gave us four months.
Emma looks over my shoulder into the mirror in front of me. We’re in her childhood bedroom getting ready for my big day. Vincent and Emma moved out a few months ago to a rental in town while their home is being built. Grace thought it was silly that they’d go pay rent when they could stay here for free, but I understood it. If her husband is half as kinky as mine, then they need space and very thick walls.
They are actually only a few houses down from Frank and me at the moment. I’ll be sad when they move. Their house will sit on the edge of town with a bit of land. I love having her close, especially with us both being knocked up. Emma is already showing, but my fluffy dress covers up my small baby bump.
“Did what? Got you to wear pink?” She rolls her eyes at me, but a smile plays on her lips.
“Not only did you do that, but you had this dream and you made it come true.”
“I think you’re living a dream too.” I point out the fact that she and Vincent got married quickly. The wedding was small but exactly how they wanted it. Ours, however, is the exact opposite. I think the whole freaking town was invited.
“I am, but I didn’t know what I wanted in life. I never thought I’d find what my parents had, so I pretended I didn’t want it. Pushed it to the back of my mind. You always think I’m the tough one out of the two of us, but you weren't scared to reach for every star you wanted, and that’s brave. Always putting yourself out there.”
“You’re going to make me cry.” I blink quickly. My makeup was just done. I turn around and hug my best friend, who is going to be my sister in a matter of minutes.
“Ladies.” A knock sounds at the door before it opens. “Are you about to make her cry, Emma?” Grace scolds her. “She does look beautiful.” Grace’s bottom lip starts to quiver.