Page 24 of Chasing Us (Chasing)
“I’ve just picked some things up here and there over the years.” She shrugs nonchalantly. She may not think it’s a big deal, but it means a lot to me.
“Is that a swatch of tablecloths?” Emma picks up a ring with a bunch of different colors.
“Of course not.” Grace takes it from her hand. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s for bridesmaids dresses.”
“I tried to tell her I’m not engaged.” I hold up my hand that is ring free. For now, at least. Frank has made it very clear the direction we are headed in.
“I’m engaged.” Emma holds up her hand. The ring sparkles. “And you never showed me this box.”
“Well, honey, I thought I’d have more time with you,” Grace says. “We all knew Melody and Biscuit were going to get married one day.”
“You did?” I smile over at her. Grace has always been more than sweet to me. I had no idea she had been making all these plans already. It warms me. I don’t have a mom or anyone, for that matter, to do these things with, but I do have Grace.
“You thought I was going to be a spinster, didn’t you?” Emma puts her hands on her hips. “You probably thought I’d end up with a bunch of cats or something.”
“I mean it’s not completely out there to think that.” I come to Grace’s defense.
“Where was this box when I got engaged? We haven't started planning my wedding.”
“This is Melody and Biscuit’s box.” She picks up the now empty box from off the floor. It’s then I notice it actually has our names scribbled across it in black marker.
“Mel?” Emma says, pulling my attention away from the box. “Mom! You’re going to make her cry.”
“I’m not crying.” I blink quickly, relaxing my eyes that have filled with tears.
“Oh, honey.” Grace pulls me in for a hug.
“I should be mad that I clearly don’t have a box, but I think we all knew Mel was going to get married at some point. I mean, it sucks she’s stuck with Frank, but it is kinda cool you’re going to be my sister.” That does it. I burst into tears. I hadn’t thought about that. “Shit! I’m not that bad!” Emma teases, rushing over to hug me next. “Stop crying. You were family even before Frank pulled his head out of his ass.”
This is true. Since Emma and I became close, I’ve spent many days here hanging out with the family while Frank was away. It always made me feel closer to him when I was here. It made the time pass by a little quicker. Sometimes I’d even slip into his bedroom and smell his shirts. Fine. Maybe I stole one or two, but it’s not like he needed them.
“I think there is more than enough stuff to plan ten weddings here.” I sniffle.
“I don’t know. There is a lot of pink.” Emma picks up one of the scrapbooks.
“It’s Melody’s favorite color.”
“I know my best friend's favorite color, Mom.”
I snort a laugh. “What colors do you think you’d go with?”
“Everyone will wear white, and I’ll wear a black dress.” Grace rolls her eyes at her daughter. “Maybe if I had a box then I’d pick something else.”
“When was the last time you ate?” Grace asks her.
“I’m not hangry.” Grace gives her a look. “Okay, I might be a little hungry.”
“I’ll make you something. I’m sure Vincent will be up soon.”
“Yeah, he’s taking a shower.”
“I should take Teddy out.” I stand and grab his leash.
“You want something to eat too?” Grace asks.
“Sure,” I respond because it’s the only right answer. I’m still stuffed, but Grace will make me a plate either way. And I’ll eat it because her food is delicious.
Teddy jumps up when he sees I’ve got the leash in my hand. I clip it onto his collar before I head out of the front door. I can hear Grace and Emma in the distance still going back and forth about a black wedding dress.
“It’s nice out,” I tell Teddy as we walk down the driveway together. He doesn’t really need a leash for the most part except here he’s got a thing for chasing the chickens that roam around, and you never know when you might cross one.
I stop walking when I see a white pickup coming down the driveaway. I start to pull back to head toward the house but realize it’s Doc Wells. His truck rolls to a stop.
“Hey, Doc,” I say when he rolls down the window. I wonder if he’s come back because of what happened with Dean. The local vet isn’t only needed for people's pets in town, but most of the work around here for them is farm animals. I bet they called him in as a backup until they can find someone else.