Page 88 of The Sinner
I shake my head, taking another step back. “No.”
She sighs heavily, looking at Linc, but he shrugs. Obviously not knowing what to do or say to make me believe their lies.
“Yes, Elli. This is from us. Here…” She opens her large Louis and pulls out a set of papers. “These are your copies. I brought them for you to have.” Handing me a manila envelope, my shaking hands take it.
Opening it up, I pull out the deed to the house. It’s got multiple signatures. It looks the same as what me and Sin signed. But my name is nowhere on it. Just my mom’s signature and Linc’s.
“You’ll need these too.” She hands me another set of papers. “This is the trust. It’s all yours. Free and clear.”
“This has to be a joke,” I whisper more to myself. They printed off the fake papers online to fuck with me.
“Seriously.” She huffs and digs out her phone this time. A few seconds later, she’s showing me emails. It’s between her and a real estate agent. The woman sent her pictures of this house. It’s fully furnished, just like it was the day me and Sin arrived. It talks about a cash sale. Closing date. How she wants it ready before she gets back.
My heart is hammering.He lied.He lied about Amelia. About this house. About how he loves me. What else hasn’t been the truth? I fall into the chair at the island and try to keep the tears back.
“Honey.” She places her hand on mine and I look up at her. “The house isn’t the reason we’re here.”
“What is?” What else could it fucking be? And where the hell is Sin? After he was done with me last night in the basement, he gave me a shower and laid me in bed. Did he lie down with me? I can’t remember. What time is it even right now? How long have I been out?
“Me and Lincoln have decided on your future.”
“My future?” The headache I already have intensifies.
She nods. “We’ve found you a husband.”
“No.” I jump to my feet. “I’m not getting married, Mom.” We’ve talked about this. She knows how I feel.
“Darling, have a seat,” Linc interrupts her, and she nods, doing as she’s told. “See, Elli, after the incident at the reception. We’ve decided that it’s time you settle down. Become a Lady.”
“I don’t want—”
“This isn’t up for discussion, dear,” my mother states, her tone harder than before. “You will settle down with a respected Lord. And you’ll be initiated into a Lady.” She reaches out and grabs her purse.End of conversation.“The wedding will be in two weeks,” she states and Linc walks over to grab her hand.
Wedding?Two weeks? Initiated?“Wait,” I shout desperately as they go to exit the house. “Can I choose? Who I marry?”
“No. It’s been decided. Lincoln met with him this morning. And he’s agreed.” She lets go of his hand and walks over to me. She cups my face. “You’re lucky anyone will marry you, Elli. With your … past and current situation.” Her eyes roam my tangled hair and swollen face with disgust. “You’ll see this is for the best.”
My chest is so tight it hurts to breathe. I always feared this would happen. She’d dictate what I do, who I can date. The older I got, the less I thought about it. This has to be Lincoln. He’s making an example of me. Getting her to throw me away for good. “What about Sin?” I whisper.
She frowns. “He’s already promised to marry, Elli. Jesus, did he not tell you anything? You know how this works. Honestly, I don’t even know why you dated him in the first place knowing it couldn’t go anywhere.”
Couldn’t go anywhere?I never thought about marriage, but I also never thought about him marrying either. “No.” I shake my head. How long had I been asleep, for Christ’s sake? “He’s not…”
“The families announced their engagement this morning, Elli.” Her eyes soften and she sighs.
My shoulders shake.This morning?After he fucked me in this house. “Who?” I lick my cracked lips. The gag from our time in the basement yesterday was rough on them. “Who is it?”
“Amelia Cleary.” She smiles. “She’s lovely. The whole family. Her mother is a friend of mine.” She reaches up and pats the side of my cheek. “She’s the one who sold us this house.”
He’s marrying his chosen?My legs give out, and I fall into my seat once again. She kisses my cheek. “I’ll see you Thursday. We’ll do lunch.” Then she takes Lincoln’s hand and leaves my house. Their house?
It’s supposed to belong to me and Sin. How … What happened? He told me yesterday that I was his. He’s branded my inner thigh. He tattooed me …
“Look at that,” he whispers in my ear. His arms have to hold me up, my legs too tired.
Opening my eyes, I look over my shoulder to the mirror in the bathroom to see SIN across my lower back, right above my ass. It’s red and a little bloody. I whimper and he brings my face to look up at him while he stands in front of me. “You … tattooed me.” My voice is rough. I had an idea what he was doing. I could hear the buzzing and feel the needle in my skin. I got off on it. The pain, the fact that I knew he was claiming me again in his own way turned me on.