Page 81 of The Sinner
“Who fucks you?” Sin goes on.
I swallow the knot in my throat. “You do.”
Sin yanks the blanket free of my shoulders and I stand naked in front of them. His free hand drops to my inner thigh, and my breath catches when his fingers run over the brand he gave me. “And who owns you?”
“You…” My breath hitches. “You do.”
“You guys set me up,” Marcus screams, making me jump. “You sick fucks.” The chair rattles as he yanks on the rope that ties him down. “Let me go.”
“Not until my girl tells me she’s sorry.”
There’s that damn word again. “I already told you,” I say through gritted teeth. “I’m not.”
He whispers in my ear, “You will be.” He shoves me into Jayce who I hadn’t seen move to stand on my right. I try to push him away, but he spins me around, pinning my hips into the edge of the large island. He manages to slide his arm between the crook of both of mine, pinning them in place behind my back. While his free hand goes over my mouth.
“Corbin.” Sin nods to his friend. He takes a chain and holds it out to Sin. He picks up a small handheld blue tank off the counter and I start thrashing against the island and Jayce, knowing what it is. Sin turns on the blowtorch and starts heating up a small area of the chain that Corbin holds between his fists.
“What the fuck, man?” Marcus shouts.
Once Sin is happy with it, he nods to Corbin again. He returns to his spot behind Marcus who is trying to watch him by looking over his shoulder. “Open wide,” Sin orders, and Corbin lowers the heated chain over Marcus’s head from behind and pries his mouth open with it, successfully placing it between his teeth.
I begin to cry, yellingI’m sorrybut no one can hear. Not between Marcus’s screams and Jayce’s hand over my mouth.
Sin walks over to the table and grabs another chair. He picks it up and sets it down in front of Marcus, backward. He straddles the seat and places his arms over the top of the chair. “You touched my girl and that’s unacceptable.”
Marcus still thrashes around in the chair, drool already leaking out of the corner of his mouth.
Sin places the blowtorch to Marcus’s right hand that hangs off the armrest of the chair.
I’m yelling into Jayce’s hand thatI’m sorry, but no one can hear me since it’s still over my mouth. Marcus is spitting through the chain. The smell of burning flesh makes me start to gag.
Sin pulls it away and Marcus slumps in his chair, his jeans turn darker as he pisses himself. Sin inspects his mouth. “Broke a few teeth biting down on that metal, huh? That’s a bitch.” I see blood mixed with the drool now running onto his already blood-stained shirt.
“Look at her.” Sin points over to me. When Marcus makes no attempt to do so, Sin jumps up from the chair, grips Marcus’s face and shoves it to the right to get a look at me. “See her. She’s not a nobody.”
Sin watches the tears fall from my eyes with a proud smile on his face, and a sob racks my body. “She’s mine. And that makes her the most important person in the world. Understand?”
Marcus sniffs, and nods his head the best he can, which isn’t much with Corbin pulling on the chain and Sin’s hand on his face. He lets go of him.
He kneels in front of Marcus, holding out the blowtorch in front of his last good hand. Marcus throws his head back, sobbing. His bloody covered chest heaving. “I watched this one slide under her skirt where you proceeded to finger her cunt. My cunt. It has to go.”
Marcus sobs and Sin presses it to his flesh. Marcus’s entire body stiffens, his veins protruding in his neck. His skin red like he’s burning from the inside out.
I’m screaming at the top of my lungs. Tears and snot run down my face over Jayce’s hand as he keeps me pinned in place.
Sin stops and Marcus’s body sags in the chair. He looks over at us. “Let her go.”
Jayce steps back, letting me go. I pry my hips and lower stomach from the island and take a step toward Sin but fall to my knees. They’re numb. Blood cut off from how hard Jayce had me pinned.
“I’m … sorry,” I say through a sob. “I’m so sorry.”
He turns the blowtorch off and sets it on the counter. Then he walks over to me. Kneeling, he places his forearm on his thigh. “That’s my girl.” Leaning forward, he gently presses his lips to my forehead. “Such a good little demon.”
I cover my face with my hands, and I feel him lift me up. “Clean up this mess,” he barks before carrying me out of the house.