Page 43 of The Sinner
She falls under once more, and I wait, watching for her to come back up. After a second, I stand straighter. “Elli?” I call out, but all I see are the ripples on top of the dark lake.
She’s fucking with me, trying to make me think she’s sinking to the bottom. She’s not.
But as my eyes scan the water, my pulse accelerates. She had been drinking quite a bit.
Panic grips my chest when I see she hasn’t surfaced. I reach up and yank the hoodie up and over my head while kicking off my shoes before I dive in where I saw her last. Trying to get close enough but not hit her.
I immediately come back up, spinning around. “Elli?” I shout before going back under just to double-check, and my fear doubles when she’s nowhere to be seen. Diving down again, I open my eyes but can’t see much. My legs kick as my hands reach out aimlessly. I feel something. It’s the chain. Wrapping it around my fist, I yank on it, feeling her body hit mine. Letting go of the chain, I wrap my arm around her waist and swim to the surface, pulling her with me.
Cold air hits my face when I suck in a breath. “Elli?” I turn her around, and her head lies back, exposing her reddened neck with the chain still around it.
I grip her face with my free hand. “El—”
Before I can finish, her eyes pop open, and she rams her forehead into my face, making my vision go black and pain explode between my eyes. “Fffuucckkk!”
I SHOVE OFFhis chest, my foot kicking it in the process, and start swimming toward the swim deck, gasping for air now that I’m no longer fake drowning. I’m almost there when I’m yanked back by the chain around my neck, cutting off what little air I was already getting.
“Wanna play games with the devil? Let’s see what you got, little demon.” He yanks me over to the back of the boat by the chain and out of the water.
I fall onto the swim deck, my head now pounding. I can feel blood running from my forehead where I made contact with his nose. I’m on my back while he sits between my shaking legs. I don’t have the energy to push him away, let alone fight him at the moment.
He hovers over me, blood dripping from his busted nose and onto my chest and face. I lick my lips, and my mouth tastes like I’m sucking on pennies. I’m not sure if it’s his or mine at this point.
I’m still gasping for breath when he smiles down at me. “Fuck, I love you,” he whispers, his hand wrapped around my neck, crushing the chain into my already sensitive skin. “Remember that when I rip you apart.”
My chest heaves, arms heavy and down to my sides. A whimper escapes my parted lips at his lie. He doesn’t love me, but I can’t deny the way my heart flutters at the words.
Letting go of me, he kneels on the swim deck and throws my legs over his shoulders and lowers his bloody face to my pussy.
I might as well be tied down because I can’t move. My body’s exhausted, my thighs are screaming, and my arms are tired. I lay on pieces of the chain, and they dig into my back, but I don’t have the strength to move it. Pretty sure my hair is tangled in it too.
My back and neck arch when he shoves a finger into me, then two. A scream gets lodged in my throat when I feel a third. He pushes them in and out, fucking me while my body rocks back and forth on the roughness of the swim deck. Removing them, he licks my cunt. His tongue flicks my piercing before pulling it into his mouth.
“Sin,” I cry out, arching again, the chain pulling at the angle. I’d risk my life for this. People have died for less.
My heavy eyes stare up at the stars littering the black sky, the sound of the waves rocking the boat and the feel of his mouth between my legs have the world spinning.
I SIT UP and look down at her spread legs. Her cum and my blood are smeared all over her smooth cunt. “Perfect,” I whisper before bringing my hand down to slap it.
She jerks, crying out into the night.
Lowering my head, I suck on her nipple piercings, pulling them into my mouth. Her hands grab ahold of my hair, gently tugging at the scalp. She has no energy left. No strength. Good.
I grip her cheeks, shoving my tongue into her already parted lips. She kisses me back just as hungrily, moaning at the taste of copper mixed with her sweetness.
Pulling away, I sit up and unzip my wet jeans. I pull my hard cock out and run the head of my dick over her pussy, smearing the blood and cum. Slowly, I push inside her. Her breath catches, arching her back.
I reach up, slide my fingers between her neck and the chain, and lift her to straddle me.
Her eyes are now level with mine. My cock throbs inside her cunt while I push all the wet hair from her face. What’s left of her makeup is smeared down her cheeks. The most gorgeous ice-blue eyes are so heavy she can’t keep them open. Running my hand up her back, I grip the base of the chain in my hand and pull on it, cutting off her air while I bounce her up and down on my cock.
My lips find hers, and I devour them. I’m not getting much back from her, but it doesn’t matter. I accomplished what I set out to do. She now understands that she’s mine. And I’ll do whatever I have to do to remind her who she belongs to.