Page 151 of The Sinner
“Elli?” I cup her face. “Wake up for me. Look at me, Elli.”
Her dark lashes flutter open and her dazed ice-blue eyes meet mine, but I know she’s not seeing me. “That’s it. Elli, this is important, what did they give you?”
Looking away from me, her lashes flutter before her eyes fall closed and then open again but she doesn’t respond.
“Maybe a sedative?” Gavin offers.
Tyson re-enters the family room and nods his head. “It’s empty.”
I stand, pick her up off the couch, and follow after him. Entering one of the many the spare bedrooms, I place her on the bed and look at Gavin. “Stay in here with her. No matter what you hear out there, do not leave her in here alone.”
“I’ll stay with them,” Nicholas offers, lifting his gun. “I’ll protect them.”
Tyson follows me out and he closes the door behind him. It won’t stop the brothers from getting in, but it may give Nicholas one extra second to shoot their fucking heads off.
Making our way back down the hallway, I hear voices. We pause, pressing our backs into the wall, both nodding to one another in understanding.
“Dude, where the fuck did she go?” one barks out.
“She was right here,” another states.
“She couldn’t have gone far. She was tied up, for Christ’s sake.” The first one laughs.
“You only secured her wrists. I told you we should have hog-tied her. There’s no chance of movement in that position.”
“Come on,” the first guy growls, growing irritated. “She’s around here somewhere.”
I readjust my grip on the gun and hold it down in front of me, listening to the sound of their boots growing closer and closer. I hold in my breath so they won’t notice us as they pass by the end of the hallway. Once the second one passes, Tyson nods to me and we both step out. I slam the butt of the gun down on the back of his neck. He drops like a rock instantly.
The second guy turns around, hearing the commotion. “What the—?”
Tyson hits him across his mask-covered face with his gun and he too drops. Bending down, I yank off the guy’s mask just as Tyson does the other. We both stand and look at each other.
“What the actual fuck is going on?” he asks me, sounding as confused as I feel.
“No fucking clue,” is the only answer I can think to give him. “But let’s find out.”
“NOW WE WAIT.You’ll be begging to swallow our cocks in no time.”
My heart sinks at his words and I pray to God it’s not true. “What did you give me?” My voice shakes. But I need to know. Am I going to die? Or just wish I was dead?
“Ecstasy,” the one who dropped the pills in my mouth answers.
The other guy shoves him back a step.
“What?” he asks, placing his hands out wide. “Not like she can fight it. She’ll be fucked up soon.”
The guy gets up off my chest and I’m finally able to take in a deep breath. I roll onto my side, to relieve the pressure of my arms underneath me, but it doesn’t help. They’ve gone numb. And soon my mind will do the same.
The one that had placed his hand down my shirt and gave me the pills, kneels down beside the couch, getting eye level with me but I still don’t know which brother he is. The mesh part of the mask that covers the eyes keeps you from seeing them. “You’ve been such a dirty whore, Elli.”
I whimper.
“It’s amazing how much you’ll believe. How much you allowed him to manipulate you.”
I frown. How long have the brothers been part of our lives? I know my father’s been there for nine years. Have they been watching us for that long? I never pretended to not be stupid for Sin. That man made me an idiot. But I kept crawling back, asking for more.