Page 103 of The Sinner
“Elli,” she speaks softly. “I think you should take another pregnancy test.”
“Not this again,” I mumble under my breath.
“I’m serious. It could have been a false negative. Or maybe you’re not far enough along yet…”
“I’m not pregnant.”
“Did you and Sin use a condom?” she asks.
“Are you and Corbin using protection?” I glare at her.
“I’m not the one vomiting,” she snaps defensively.
“I’m fine, Kira,” I sigh. “I promise.”
I exit the bathroom, entering my bedroom once again, and she follows. “Are you trying to hide this pregnancy because Sin is marrying Amelia?”
I spin around to face her. “What?”
“Is this some sort of revenge?” She places her hands on her hips. “Because he won’t marry you?”
I’m so close to the fucking edge I’m about to jump. I don’t know how much more of this bullshit I can take. “Your brother doesn’t give a fuck about me, Kira. And I get it. I do. I was just a fuck. Take some notes. Your day is coming.” I give her my back.
“What does that mean?” She grabs my upper arm, spinning me around.
“It means Corbin is the same.”
“They’re all fucking Lords, Kira,” I snap at her for being as stupid as I was. If I can save her this heartache, I will. “They took an oath. Women don’t mean shit to them.”
Her eyes drop to the floor. The same spot I was just kneeling and gagged for Linc. “My brother loves you.”
I throw my head back laughing. It’s manic sounding, my entire body shaking from it. “Well, I don’t love him.” The bile returns but I swallow it down. I never told him I loved him and now I’m glad. Imagine if he knew he had that much power over me.
“You have to tell him you’re pregnant,” she urges.
“I’m not fucking pregnant!” I scream “Jesus Christ, Kira. I’m not fucking pregnant. Let it go. Worry about yourself. Huh? Who the fuck knows if Corbin is being faithful to you.”
She slaps me across the face, and I don’t even feel it. I’m too numb at this point. Losing my goddamn mind over a game that I can’t win.
She storms out of my room, and I find myself walking over to my dresser. I open it up and pop two pills into my mouth. Then without thought, I enter my closet and numbly pull the dress that my mother got me to wear tonight for this party off the hanger, slipping it on over my head. If life has taught me anything, it’s that it doesn’t stop when you need rest. You swallow your cries and you lift your chin. Because life doesn’t give a fuck about you. You either take it, or you let it kill you.
Never trust a man unless you know what he’d do to survive.
I get it. Because for once, I understand what my father did, and it doesn’t sound so bad.
I STAND NEXT to Corbin and Chase in the ballroom when I see my sister entering. I can tell from across the room she’s crying.
“What’s wrong?” I ask the moment she rushes over to us.
“We’re leaving,” she barks at Corbin.
“What’s wrong?” he asks her, and she ignores him too.