Page 9 of Blackmailed By My Teacher (Blackmail Fantasies 4)
Kim shot me a measured look.
“And would her son be off the hook?”
I grinned like a huge lion.
“It depends on how things work out. Maybe, seeing how it goes.”
Kim swallowed again, measuring her options.
“And if I were to say yes, what would happen?”
A grin curled my lips because maybe I would get to keep her after all.
“It depends. Are you still in school?”
She nodded.
“Yes, I’m a senior at the high school where Adella teaches.”
I nod.
“Okay, so you’re busy during weekdays. But weekends, why don’t you come over and spend them with me? That’s not too bad is it?”
I stopped to grip her hand and leaned in before whispering into her ear, “Remember, sweetheart. I can make things very comfortable for you if you like. There’s a lot to learn from a man like me, and I think you’ll find them to be very, very pleasurable.”
A shiver went up her spine, the motion not going unnoticed as I stroked my thumb against her hand. Kim was almost ready to give in, I could see it. Just one little push more.
“You could stay here with me on the weekends. I wouldn’t just be throwing you onto the nearest flat surface and having my way with you though. We could go out for dates, have meals together, or even just relax with one another. The possibilities are endless and I’ll leave the choice of what we do outside the bedroom entirely up to you.”
None of what I said was a lie and as her eyes dilated I knew that deep down, she wanted it too. Now I just had to follow through with those promises and I would potentially have this curvy girl to do with what I wanted.
Her breathing was sharp and jerky, but her words were steady when she spoke. Her hand turned over to grip my fingers tightly.
“You sound like you want more than just a child from me.”
My mouth twitched, and I grinned.
“To be honest, this set-up has been confusing to me too. I didn’t specifically mention that I wanted a babymama, but since you’re ripe and fertile, why not see what happens? It could be fun, sweetheart.”
Kim hesitated, glancing sideways at me before nodding.
“You realize you’re a predator, don’t you?”
I stepped back immediately, taking both hands off her.
“No, I’m not,” was my emphatic reply “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Kimberly. It’s up to you. I’m not sure what hold Adella Rogers has over you, but she seems to think that we’d be a fit.”
Kim hesitated again, but I already knew victory was mine. Kim was going to be my new good-time girl, and I couldn’t wait to begin plundering those lush curves.
That weekend, I stood in front of Adam’s mansion, marveling at its elegance. In fact, I was surprised to be here at all. I’d left his home on uncertain terms. This whole situation is crazy, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a part of it.
But when I got home, Kurt was waiting breathlessly.
“Did you do it? Is everything okay?” he asked tremulously.
I stared at him.
“No, I was not ravaged by some dirty old man,” I said in a sarcastic voice.
Tears filled my brother’s eyes.
“Then what happened, Kim?” he asked. “Do you want me to drive you to the police station? Oh my god, our lives are over,” he wailed, burying his face in his hands. “I don’t know what I’m gogni to do now.”
I stared at him.
“Kurt, your life doesn’t rest on one test grade. If you get reported for cheating, then you do.”
His head jerked up and he gazed balefully at me with reddened eyes.
“Yeah, but you know how Mom and Dad are. They’re going to send me to military school if they find out I was caught cheating. I can’t go there. Can you imagine me at military school? I can’t even do one push-up, much less ten.”
I looked at him wryly.
“Kurt, I think they do more than ten push-ups. Something tells me that they do more in the realm of one hundred per day.”
That just made my brother begin to cry again.
“Yeah, exactly. I won’t survive, Kim. I need to go to a fancy liberal arts college because that’s the only way I’ll be able to find myself. You know my place is among the classics, attending small-group classes and studying under caring professors. But what college will take me if I’ve already been cited for cheating? I’m done forrrrr!” he wailed again.
I took a deep breath and tried to contain my anger as my brother had another break-down. He’s been acting like a baby lately, as if none of this is his fault. Instead, I’m expected to pick up the pieces.
“Get a grip, Kurt.”
But my brother was a lost cause. As I watched, he ran off to his room and slammed the door on me, like a spoiled child. Then, I could hear him throwing things around as loud crashes and bangs made the walls vibrate.