Page 5 of Blackmailed By My Teacher (Blackmail Fantasies 4)
This time, I snatched it up and snarled “What?” into the receiver without caring who it was.
“Hello Dearie, I’ve come up with an agreement that will work for all of us,” came Mrs. Rogers’s sibilant hiss. My heart fell because I was half-hoping that she’d never call. Maybe she just wanted to scare my brother, and we’d be out of this mess. But her voice on the other end sent tremors of fear through my body.
“Okay, what do you want him to do?” I asked in a sour voice.
She laughed a little.
“Oh it won’t be him doing anything. It has to be you.”
Now I was even more nervous. Kurt and I exchanged confused looks before I prodded for more information.
“But why? I’m not the one who cheated.”
Unfortunately for me, I had caught it right.
“Yes, dear, but you see, you have something that only women can provide. You see, I owe a millionaire a favor, and I think you can help me repay it.”
My mouth dropped open.
“I’m sorry?” came my choked question. Meanwhile, Kurt’s eyes were as round as saucers. Mrs. Rogers let out another evil cackle.
“Well, if you want me to look past your brother’s cheating and allow him a chance to retake his exam, then you have to go and service a millionaire I know.”
My stomach dropped as her voice caressed the word “service.” She couldn’t possibly mean that, could she? No, that was absolutely prehistoric. Women don’t do that anymore.
“Ma’am, when you say service you mean like a maid, right?” I asked slowly.
The laugh that came across the phone sent terror through me; this crazy bitch was enjoying the hell she was causing me! Before I could rip into her, she answered.
“No, it does mean what you think it does. He’s not looking for a maid. Oh, the man in my mind could hire an army full of maids! Instead, he’s looking for a particularly curvy, ripe, young woman, and I think you fit the bill. Tell me, dearie. Are you fertile? Do you get your period regularly?”
I gape into the phone.
“You must be kidding me,” is my tight reply. “He wants to impregnate me?”
“No, not impregnate. Well, maybe a little,” she conceded. “He’s a powerful man looking for a particular young woman, and what he means to do with her, I’m not totally sure myself. But I’m fairly certain you’d fit the bill. You’re what … about one hundred and sixty pounds?”
“One hundred and seventy,” I say tightly.
“Perfect!” exclaims Mrs. Rogers. “He did say that he prefers women with curves. Of course, the choice is up to you. If you choose to not accept this offer then I’ll tell the principal I caught both you and your brother cheating. There isn’t a college around who will take you in with that mark on your record.”
I stammered as tears of anger trickled down my cheeks.
“Y-you can’t do this, it’s blackmail!”
But my only answer was another bone chilling laugh, as she continued with her nefarious plan.
“It would be such a shame if you and your brother’s futures were to go down the drain,” she said with mock sympathy. “You two had such potential too. You’re two of my best students, and I’m certain many colleges would love to offer you scholarships. But not with a disciplinary notation on your transcript.”
The threat was obvious and as I considered what my brother’s poor decision would cost me, I swallowed heavily. Plus, I was plenty angry at Kurt. He could have taken my offer for help but no, he chose to cheat instead. Now I was stuck in this position and if I wanted out academic lives to not be ruined, I had to “service” some rich guy.
What did it mean, anyways? The idea of losing my virginity to someone I didn’t even know sat like a rock in my stomach. How was I going to do this? Would I ever be able to look in the mirror again without feeling shame? Would I even be allowed to stay in my child’s life after I gave birth to them?
As the questions continued to build, I only asked one thing.
“How long do I have to be with him?”
Another cackle came from the phone, before Mrs. Rogers’s downright gleeful reply.
“I don’t know because it’s up to him. But my guess is that you be his for as long as it takes for his seed to take in you.”
Bile threatened to climb up my throat. This was such a horrible and cold way to talk about something that should be a miracle of life. This was an act that should be done between two people who loved one another and wanted a family together. For her to reduce it to an act of blackmail was downright cruel, if not vicious.
Besides, I wanted a family with the man I would eventually marry. But how would I meet a good man, if my life was in ruins? Who would want me, if they knew of my so-called questionable values.