Page 26 of Blackmailed By My Teacher (Blackmail Fantasies 4)
Slowly, Bruce Jones begins to calm down. I don’t know what does it: my declaration of love or Kim’s threat to call the cops, but I don’t know nor do I care.
When he finally speaks, his voice is considerably lower but it carries no regret over his previous rage.
“Fine, I’m calm. But if you’re lying and she’s here against her will then I don’t care what I have to do. She’ll be leaving with us.”
I nod easily; I expect nothing less from a father.
“Fair enough, but if you start shouting again, I will pummel you to a pulp.”
The pudgy man glances at my biceps and cringes a bit. I don’t blame him. I work out a lot, and my arms and chest are sculpted and defined. This is the perfect time to put my hard work in the gym to the test.
But Bruce Jones takes another deep breath, and lets it out with a whoosh.
“Fine. Let’s talk.”
That’s all I need to hear, and I lead the way into the living room.
I can’t believe this is happening. My parents walked in on me and Adam having anal sex in his home. It must have been terrifying because as far as they’re concerned, I’m a virgin. Imagine having that curtain ripped away, revealing a whole other reality.
But what’s happened has happened, and I bite my lip. This is all so wrong, and even now, I smile weakly. Adam’s seed is trailing from my bottom hole, and subtly, I shift on the couch. He senses my unease, and grips my hand.
“You okay?” he murmurs, those blue eyes intense.
What do I say? My parents just got an eyeful of your enormous horse cock buried in my bottom? What parents ever want to see that happening? Instead, I merely smile weakly again.
“I’ll be okay,” I say in a trembling voice.
“Good,” he says, giving my hand another squeeze. Please let Bruce and Marilou understand, I pray silently. While their approval isn’t mandatory, I want it. I don’t want to spend every holiday remembering how my parents disapprove of my relationship. I will, if they try to make me choose between them and Adam, but I won’t like it.
I love Adam too much to go back to how I used to be. Before, I was a naïve teenager who knew nothing about the real world. Adam makes me come alive and I won’t let anyone separate us, not even my parents.
Bruce and Marilou take a seat on the couch opposite us. My dad glowers as my mom looks about to faint.
“You can’t expect me to give my approval for this…disaster,” Bruce begins.
All of my hopes come crashing down with that sentence. Clearly, my relationship with my parents is dissolving. I wish that there was a way for me to salvage it, but it seems unlikely.
I take a deep breath and speak.
“That’s fine. While I’d like your approval, I’m not going to break things off with Adam to get it. I love him just as much as he loves me, and I refuse to be separated from him. If you have a problem with that then you know where the door is.”
My parent’s jaws open in shock, closing and reopening. Generally, I’m a pretty obedient daughter, but as they’re about to see, things have changed.
Marilou takes a deep breath and implores me with tears in her eyes.
“Darling, think for a moment. You barely know this man and he’s three times your age! Don’t you want someone else who’ll age with you? And what about your dreams of going to college? Are you just going to give up on those now that you’ve met him?”
Mom’s voice is oozing with pain that I do my best to ignore. If she wants to be in my life, then she’ll have to accept that Adam won’t be leaving anytime soon.
I stare pointedly back at her.
“Mom, I know Adam better than you two know me. I’m not bothered by his age; I love him for who he is, and not how old he is. As for college? I never had dreams of going, but you two did. I would have been just as happy working as a librarian, but you wanted children who were geniuses. You wanted to be able to brag to your friends that I was a doctor, lawyer, or some other prestigious professional. But the problem is that I don’t care about any of that, and now you have no say over my choices. If I eventually decide to go to college, it will be because I want to and no other reason.”
Marilou sits back, one hand over her heart as she stares at me with something close to total shock in her eyes. I’ve never talked back to her before, so this dynamic is new. But I steel myself and refuse to give in because I’m not changing my decision. Adam is my everything, and I’m not giving him up for the world.