Page 23 of Blackmailed By My Teacher (Blackmail Fantasies 4)
Then, I turn my attention back to the pile of blankets. I have some construction work to do and besides, I’ll have time to turn my fantasies into reality with Adam later.
As I lean against the doorway and watch Kim putter around the living room, putting up the blankets for our fort, I can’t hold back a smile. She looks so excited now, and I’m happy to see the joy in her form.
Seeing that smile will be my new life purpose. While I’m not naïve enough to think our future will be all sunshine and daisies, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she stays happy here with me.
Her voice breaks me from my thoughts.
“Alright, I think I have everything ready, if you’re ready?” Kim says from her spot sitting in the middle of the giant fort. Her proud smile reminds me of a child who was showing their parents something they had done in school.
“I tried to make it as big as possible so you’d be comfortable too. Is it alright?”
I nod.
“It’s great, just big enough to be comfortable without being too big. I have the snacks ready and we are ready to watch whatever movie you picked. Now come here, my arms are empty and I want to fix that.”
I get into the fort behind her and immediately, she wastes no time in curling up against my shoulder as I start the movie. I’m only half paying attention though; the sight of her happily munching on popcorn and staring at the screen while her curvy form relaxes against me is utter bliss. Her warmth pressed against my side is a tempting reminder that I’m not alone anymore and how, if things continue how they have been, I will never be again.
The thought of spending the rest of my life with Kim leaves a sense of rightness in my chest, as if she’s what I’ve been waiting for all my life. As I consider the thought more, my certainty grows. Maybe she’s what I’ve been missing through all of the lonely years. The curvy girl brings light to everything in my life. My previously lonely nights are now filled with warmth and laughter. Her smile is enough to have me walking on air for the rest of the day and when she’s sad, it’s as if I share her pain.
The only thing that would make me happier is having children with her. Even if she’s not expecting yet, considering how often we go at it without protection, a pregnancy probably isn’t too far off. My mind wanders as I imagine a little girl with Kim’s brown hair and my blue eyes. She would be adorable, and I’d spoil her to the ends of the earth.
Would my daughter like girly things? Or would she prefer things like cars and sports? I’ll be fine with whatever she chooses to do because my children will have the support and love I never got from my parents. And Kim will be right there beside me, going to school plays and setting up birthday parties for however all the children we decide to have.
That sounds right: our children.
My daydream is shattered when Kim turns to me and asks, “Are you alright? You’ve been quiet since we sat down.”
I smile at her.
“Nothing’s wrong, my mind’s wandering to the future and I got carried away. Sorry for not paying attention.”
Instead of shifting her focus back to the movie, Kim turns to face me fully.
“The future? What were you thinking about?”
Is it too soon to tell her? I don’t want to spook her while our relationship is so new, but looking into her big brown eyes, I decide to throw caution to the wind and answer honestly.
“Our potential children and all the different things we’ll get to do with them. Parties, school events, things like that.”
I pause to see how she’s taking this so far. Her eyes grow wide and she stammers.
“Our children?”
I shrug and grin again.
“Yes, our children. Nothing would make me happier than to see you curvy and round with our baby, sweetheart. You’d be a perfect mommy, and I would love to have a little girl that looks just like you.”
Her eyes are like saucers now, and she’s breathing hard. I take this as excitement as I continue.
“I want our children’s lives to be full of wonder. I want them to know that we’ll support them financially, emotionally, and in whatever way they need. Does that sound crazy?”
“Our children, plural?” she breathes.
I nod.
“Yes, Kim. I’d love to fill you with my seed and watch you grow round again and again with our children. Again, you’d be a wonderful mommy, and I can’t wait to make babies with you.”
Kim shakes her head, the tears in her eyes ones of love and joy.
“That’s not crazy because I want the same thing. I just wasn’t sure if you did too, Adam.” Her voice breaks a bit with emotion at the end.