Page 22 of Vegas Jackpot
Leif takes some more convincing, but he finally moves out of the room.
“Ryan, what is it?” My hands roll and twist in my lap. He moves to the side of the bed and puts his hand on mine.
“You know we are here for you,” he says, and I nod. “You’re pregnant.”
I hear the words come out of his mouth, but I don’t comprehend them. Did he just say that?
What the fuck?
This is why I always use protection. Then it hits me. I’ll always have a piece of Grayson. But will he want to be a part of our lives? Will he believe the baby is his? I haven’t had sex with anyone since him. I don’t go to the club.
“Erika, did you hear me?” Ryan’s hand on mine leaves and lands on my shoulder.
I look up at him and watch as he blurs from the tears that start to pour from my eyes.
“I’ll always have a piece of him,” I repeat my thought from earlier.
Ryan holds me as I cry for a bit, and I realize it’s true. But now with his sister here, she’ll want to be a part of this too, maybe. I need to focus and think about everything before I make any decisions. The first thing I need to do is change my appointment tomorrow.
An hour later, I’m leaving, and Leif takes off to head to the club for an issue while Ridley gives me a ride home.
“Want to stop for some dinner? Your doctor friend thought food would be good for you.” Ridley breaks me from the mini panic attack I’m having in my head. How am I going to tell Leif and everyone else? What am I going to tell them about the father?
“Food sounds good.” I turn to look at her, and she must see something in my eyes.
“Want to talk about it?”
I wish I could, but it will only make things more complicated if Grayson were to show up, because now I have to let him be a part of my life.
“I can’t. I’m still processing everything.”
“But you said it was just dehydration?”
I realize I gave her some information I shouldn’t have.
“It is. I’m just tired. I thought you were talking about your brother.” Good save, Erika, I congratulate myself.
“What do you want to eat?” she asks, and I look around.
“How about burgers?”
“Sounds good.” She smiles and turns into a restaurant that looks like something out of the fifties.
We order burgers and fries. I even order a chocolate malt, something I don’t normally do but it sounded so good. We talk and I get to know her a little bit. I realize she is asking me more questions and not answering all the ones I ask her.
“You’re just like your brother.” I chuckle, and she pauses mid-bite to look at me.
“How so, and which one?”
“I never met your oldest brother. You avoid answering questions just like Grayson does.” I laugh as a man steps into the restaurant. He looks at us and moves to the other side. Something about him causes the hair on the back of my neck to rise.
“Why do you call him Grayson?” Ridley asks.
“That’s his name,” I scoff, because it’s true, it’s not like a nickname.
“Everyone calls him Gray, even our father does.”
“His name is Grayson, and I like to call him that. It fits him.”