Page 11 of Vegas Jackpot
When Aleksei returns,he’s quiet. I could tell when watching them they had some touchy moments. I know Erika challenged him in ways he’s probably not used to with women. They usually take one look at his eyes and bend over backward to get his attention.
“Why her?” he asks me about an hour after he returns.
I look at the camera feed and watch her as she works the piece. It has developed throughout the day, and I love it. I wonder where she found the image. But knowing my girl, she designed and drew it herself. Her dossier included images of some of her art from school.
“She’s beautiful. Pure of heart. It’s hardened though and been hurt. What her parents did to her, leaving her, makes her doubt everyone around her. I’m going to have a hell of a time showing her I’m here for the long run. She’s sexy. Artistic and fresh. She’s not like any of the women around here. She doesn’t give a shit what others think of her. Maybe she won’t have a problem with who my family is.”
“She doesn’t know you own this place.” He sweeps his hand around.
“No, she doesn’t.” I know it wasn’t a question, but I still acknowledge it. “But I’m more worried about how she’ll feel when she finds out who my father is.”
“I believe she suspects that already. She’s loaded too?”
“Yeah, she and her brother inherited everything their grandmother had. Her grandmother had a lot of land in and around Eastport, Rhode Island. She also had money from her family, something about them being a founding family. Like from the Mayflower days.”
“Der’ mo. That’s good. You know she isn’t after you for your money, at least.”
“No, she isn’t after me for my money.” I’m watching the screen. What is she after me for? Is she really as pure as I think she is? I know she has had sex before, so she isn’t pure in that sense. It’s her heart. She has lived and seen ugly, but she isn’t hardened by it. She trusts still.
Promptly at seven,I’m moving through the expo, where people are mingling around visiting. I don’t stop for anyone. None of my employees. Not even the vendors who know who I am. I’m on a mission to get to my girl. I noticed several male tattooers who are here have been checking her out all day. It’s why I sent Aleksei to come down and sit with her during her break. I knew he couldn’t spend the whole day with her. We had meetings and things to take care of.
When I finally see her, she’s in a group talking and chatting. One man covered in tattoos is standing too close to her and keeps trying to get her attention, but she’s visiting with everyone.
“I think your tattoo is a winner. I like the design of it,” he says, trying to get her attention again.
“What art school did you go to? Would you recommend it for others?” a young girl asks. She must be twenty-one to gamble, but she can be in here if she’s over eighteen. Sure enough, she lifts her hand to brush her hair back and I see the band showing she’s at least minimum age but not old enough to gamble.
“I went to the Chicago School of Art, and yes, I would recommend them. Tomorrow bring your portfolio and I’ll take a look.”
“Erika,” I say her name, and everyone turns to look at me. The guy next to her moves closer. He’s now touching her. She moves away, but he crowds her again. I stare him down until he moves back. “Ready?” I hold out my hand for her. She takes it, and I pull her along with me out of the room. I know people are whispering as we move past, but I don’t pay attention to them. I’m used to it. But Erika isn’t, and she pauses a few times to look at people and try to figure out what they are saying. Their whispers don’t stop, just get quieter.
“Do you want to change before dinner, or would you like to wear that?”
“Is there something wrong with what I’m wearing?” Her sass makes me want to put her over my knee again.
“Princess, other than I hate other men seeing you dressed like that, you are sexy and beautiful.” She preens, and I realize she doesn’t hear that normally, or she doesn’t believe them, and to hear me say that makes her feel good. “I thought we could have dinner in one of the restaurants here, or we could do room service in your room?”
“Do you live here?” She waves her hand around, indicating the casino.
“Sometimes I think I do, but I stay in my office. Come, I know what to do.” I didn’t really plan anything special because I wasn’t sure what she was going to be up for, but now I have a plan. I take her to a very private club in the casino.
Only members get in. There is no dress code, so she can wear jeans. But each booth is a private room.
I step up to the door and swipe my card over the reader. Guests can use their room keys to get them in here. When we step up to the hostess station, the hostess smiles at me in a sexy way until she sees Erika, and then her lips pinch.
“Mr. Aldridge, how can I help you tonight?”
“Room for two.” I don’t allow her to question me or say more.
“Yes, sir. Right this way.” She moves away. There is always one or two rooms open for whales or staff members. Although the staff is usually me, Aleksei, or our head of security, Raze.
The hostess opens the door to the private room, and we take a seat at the two-person table. Some of the rooms are set up like expensive sushi restaurants with private servers. I’ve also got girls who will lie almost naked for sushi to be eaten off them.
This room is for a full French style course meal. Perfect for what I have planned. When the white coated server comes out, I order a bottle of champagne for us.
“To hopefully winning and getting to know each other better.” I toast, and she delicately clinks her glass with mine.