Page 11 of The Wife the Spaniard Never Forgot
A perfect smile was on her lips as Javier rounded the corner and an almost imperceptible pause stuttered his steps, before they doubled in speed as he came down the remaining steps.
‘Good morning,mi amore,’ he said, reaching her, only a slight wariness in his gaze as if he were trying to predict what she might do next.
The fire that had kept her up all night fizzed and sparked, driving her towards an impulsiveness that she was unaccustomed to. He had thought to subdue her with desire and it was maddening. But she wasn’t the only one who had been enslaved by their passion.
If he was surprised by the way she stood up from her chair, pressed herself against his body, wound her hands around his neck and pulled him into a kiss that could have scorched all thought from both parties, then he didn’t show it. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, his arm swept around her waist and pulled her against him as Emily’s intention only to use his own tactics against him spun wildly out of control.
The moment his tongue laved her bottom lip she was helpless to refuse him. She barely had a moment to prepare for how he took ruthless possession of her mouth in a way that made her pulse pound in her heart and between her legs. The growl that purred from his throat lifted the hairs on the back of her neck as his hand gripped the hair above her nape, angling her firmly back to allow him deeper, to allow him more of her and—helpless and wanton—she let him.
Anger and desire melded as she wrestled for control, biting down not so gently on his lip. His eyes sprung open andburned.For a frantic second she teetered on the brink of a precipice, wishing she hadn’t been so impulsive... But then he walked them back against the dining room wall, pressing her, crowding her, tormenting her as his hands ravished her body, palming breasts with nipples hardened to peaks, fisting the flesh of her backside in a way that would be worth every ache.
This, she thought.Thiswas what she dreamed of at night when her lust-addled mind taunted her with erotic pictures from before he had begun to work all hours, before the doubt and worry had crept in. Before she questioned if she had given up everything for a man who was no longer there.
Her head fell back and she felt feasted upon. He drew her against the rock-hard length of his need and she gasped, biting her lip to prevent the plea on her tongue. Words that would beg and bribe lodged in her throat as her heart ached and wanted and angered all at once.
He sneaked deft fingers behind her knee and drew her leg up to hook over his hip, gently pressing his way deeper against the throbbing ache that was almost painful in its intensity. She was helpless to stop herself from pressing back, from shifting in a way that caressed and eased and tormented her own arousal whilst teasing and hardening Javier’s.
His eyes flared open, pinning her with an incomprehensible gaze that whispered only one word to her:more. She felt her orgasm begin to build beneath his watchful gaze, urged on by the voyeuristic enjoyment he found in her pleasure. Muscles tightened on an emptiness deep within, but outside everything burned, wanted, needed. More. She wanted more. Because she knew how good he felt deep within her. Knew what it was to be possessed by this man. To be owned.
As if a bucket of ice-cold water had slapped over her, she tensed. A scream stopped in her throat. No. She could not be owned by him. Not again. She’d not survive it.
‘What?’ Javier whispered, alarmed by the sudden change in Emily. His hands went to cup her face but she wriggled from them.
‘Sorry, I’ve...’ and she sneaked beneath his arm, escaping the circle of his embrace.
His breath straining in aching lungs, he stared at her, trying to ignore the sliver of hurt that cut more deeply than any wound from the accident. ‘Are you okay?’
‘Of course,’ she insisted, spinning back round to face him, a smile on her lips as fake as the five-foot ceramic parrot in the sitting room. Lips that had teased him to the point of near orgasm only seconds earlier.Cristo, he’d not been this out of control since their first time together.
‘I just forgot that I have to go out.’
Javier detested intensely that he was sounding like an idiot, reduced to monosyllabic questions. But it was taking him a worryingly long time to get his usually hair-triggered brain out of the lust-fuelled fantasy of taking his wife on the table once again.
‘Yes, out,’ she said, her eyes wide, blush riding high on her cheeks, hair in disarray from where he had gripped and—
She reached blindly for her keys.
‘What are you going out for?’ he asked, amazed that the words formed some semblance of order.
‘But we have—’
She spun away from him and was out through the front door before he could finish.
‘—food,’ he said to an empty house.
He swallowed, an act he both felt and heard. The sound of the door closing behind her had snapped a thread on the rope tying his emotions down and he felt something crawling, clawing, trying to get out. Shoving it down with more force than usual, he stalked into the kitchen and made himself a coffee.
He needed something to cover the taste of lust on his tongue. He rearranged his trousers to relieve the pressure against the wildfire ache Emily had drawn from him as if she were a magician pulling his desire like silk scarves from her pocket. The moment she had pressed her lips against his he’d been lost, only returning to his sense of self when she had fled his embrace.
He took his coffee out to the patio, wondering at the effect she had on him, when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
How is OP AM coming along?
He typed back to Santiago.