Page 66 of Turn Me On
Guilt slithers through me. Over my feelings, over the deal, over the gym session. “Should come together any day.”
It fucking better.
“But will it?” Vance sits forward in his seat, his voice edged with frustration.
I’m embarrassed I can’t give him the answer he wants. “We played golf with Priyam in San Francisco. We have the dinner this week. It’s nearly a done deal,” I say. This holding pattern is wearing everyone down.
“Nearlyisn’t the same asdone,” he says coolly. I sit straighter. That’s the first time Vance has taken a tone with me. He presses the affable button so hard I didn’t even know he had a hard-ass one.
But I shouldn’t be surprised.
“I’m doing everything I can to close it,” I say evenly, careful I don’t sound defensive. “There’s only so much pressure I can exert on a partner. Too much and Priyam will run. Too little and he’ll wander away.”
Vance nods like he gets it. But then he tilts his head. “I know how negotiation works, Maddox.”
Oh, shit.
He’s hitting the ballbuster button. “I’ll reach out again,” I assure him.
He drinks some more coffee, then nods once more. “Good. Do that,” he says with a smile, but there’s nothing warm in his tone.
I’ve reached the end of his grace period.
After the meeting, my mind’s racing with possible reasons to lob in a call to Bespoke. When Vance leaves, I stay and flip through my texts from Zane, hunting for any little detail that’ll justify reaching out again to Priyam.
Scrolling back in the thread, past the parent convo, past the baseball tips convo, past the pic of his niece—so many conversations that made me feel like I was…gardening—I land on the photo of Zane in workout clothes and a purple bow tie.
An idea snaps into place. One look at the time and I might be able to pull this off. It’s ten-thirty, and Zane’s probably at his hotel. I send him a text and tell him my plan.
His response is speedy.I’ll have it to you in thirty.
* * *
At eleven on the dot, I’m still working at the coffee shop, tackling a contract for my Comets shortstop when Zane’s name appears at the top of my phone with the wordslook at this.
My pulse races, even though I know his message is very safe for work.
Man, I need to get it together.
My earbuds are in, so I click open the video. Zane fills the screen from his hotel room, wearing a fantastic tailored shirt—a stylish paisley print that’s trendy and sexy at the same time.
“Hey there, friends…If you’re like me, once upon a time you were all sorts of confused about one of these bad boys.” He holds up a purple bow tie, letting it dangle by his face.
“I mean, does it go like this?” He wraps it messily around his neck, frowning.
“Or maybe like that?” He attempts a crude knot.
“Nope. But let me tell you, you can tie a bow tie in a few simple steps.”
Then he moves through the steps easily, giving tips as he goes. When he’s done, he adjusts the tie, flashing a warm grin at the camera.
Then he holds up a finger.
“But listen.” He beckons the viewer closer, then stage whispers, “This’ll be our little secret, but I know some of you are still struggling with a basic necktie too. Some dudes are having their moms and dads knot their regular ties in advance before they put them on. Guys, we can do better. Let me be your tie guide.”
He reaches out of camera, then returns with a…burgundy tie. Just like the one I wore when I met him. He lets the fabric graze across his hand as he shows off the tie to the viewer, touching it almost…reverently.
My chest heats, and the pull I feel toward him is tremendous.