Page 25 of Turn Me On
I scan the crowd for him. I need to get the lowdown on this potential deal with Bespoke. Vance only gave me the broad brushstrokes, and I’m hungry for all the details—the timeframe, the terms, what it means. Maddox will give them to me.
A hand touches my arm; my skin sizzles. I catch a hint of the scent of the ocean, and I draw an intoxicating breath. It’s uncanny how my body knows him when we’ve barely touched.
I turn to Maddox and beam, hoping to hide all these lusty, sexual, very non-business-y feelings for him with my excitement and gratitude. “You’re the man!”
He smiles but waves off the compliment. “Save the praise for when I lock this up.”
“I have a good feeling. Want to know why?”
I lean in to share the secret. “I have this hotshot new agent.”
That earns me another smile. And hell, do I want to win those from him all night long. His smiles make my chest all warm. They make me want more and more of them.
But Maddox’s gaze drifts to Gunnar.
Oh, shit. I forgot my buddy.
Gunnar points to me. “Hey, there. I’m his chopped liver.”
Maddox stretches out a hand. “Gunnar Ford. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Maddox LeGrande with CTM.”
Gunnar raises a brow, clearly appreciating that Maddox recognizes him. “Nice to meet you too. Zane says good things about you.”
“Glad to hear that. I’m lucky to work with him. And I’m sure Josh Summers at Premiere considers himself lucky to work with you, Gunnar. You’re having a great season.”
My friend snaps anI’m impressedlook my way. “Whoa. Your new agent knows everything,” he says.
Maddox laughs, like it’s no big deal. “Just part of the job to know who reps who. Let me get you men a drink. If you’d like one?”
“I’m game,” I say.
“Me too,” Gunnar chimes in.
“Where’s your friend? Did Bryan come along?”
Maddox waves in the direction of the pool. Moonlight glitters off the still water. In the corner, the golden-haired guy from earlier is sitting on a chaise lounge right next to a very familiar face.
Holy shit. I smack Maddox’s arm. “That’s Sebastian Lowe.”
Maddox smiles. “Yep. That is indeed the Oscar winner.”
“I thought his agent was throwing this party. I didn’t know he’d be here. Wait. Is Bryan his agent?”
Maddox shakes his head. “No. Bryan’s not an agent. He used to play ball though. Had a good run for a few years. Injury curtailed his career though.”
“Like Gage,” I say, wincing in sympathy.
“Exactly. He’s a home contractor now and loves it. But he coached for a while and has a great eye.”
“And he’s friends with Sebastian?”
“I suppose,” Maddox says, in a way that makes it clear that’s all he’ll say.
No big deal. It’s not my place to pry about Bryan and Sebastian. But it is my pleasure to gawk at the movie star. “That dude is badass. You know that one where he played the drug lord? Fucking love him,” I say.