Page 174 of Corrupted By You
My mother-in-law’s voice jostled me out of my musings. I was leaning against the window in the west wing, watching the moon.
I gave her a weak smile. “Oui.”
Céline combed her fingers through her bangs, a Bridget Bardot inspired updo gracing her blond waves. “Éva is sleeping over at a friend’s tonight, Ben is out with one of his many girlfriends, and I’m going out for a late-night picnic with Yves. You and Zeno will have the house to yourselves.”
Which was nice, yet it made no difference considering my husband was still playing the avoidance game.
“Thank you,” I said politely. “I hope you and Yves enjoy yourselves too.”
“Don’t tell Benjamin, but…I stole some marijuana from his stash. I’m trying to convince Yves to smoke with me while we gaze at the stars.”
The first genuine laugh in days escaped me. My goal was to grow old and be like my mother-in-law. Maintain a lust for life and never lose touch with my inner child.
Céline looked pleased with herself. “You have the prettiest laugh. It’s no wonder you captured my son’s attention.”
My throat tightened.
She curved her hands around my cheeks. Whatever affection I lacked from my own mother growing up, Céline gave it to me in spades. “You know how he feels about you, right?”
That precious four-letter word sparked in my mind like fireworks on the first of July. “He’s mad at me, Céline.”
“To him, the most unforgivable sin is hurting you and he knows he’s hurt you, Darla. Even though he was trying to protect you, I could see him struggling between wanting to tell you the truth or lie to you by omission. It was not an easy decision for him to make.”
“I know,” I mumbled. “And I forgive him. I truly do.”
“Then tell him he’s forgiven. Tell him how youfeel. My son is obsessed with you, Darla. His eyes light up when you enter a room and he listens to every word you say with the fascination of a man who is utterly owned. He buys you gifts, reads your romance novels, cooks with you in the evenings, and takes you on dates all over the city so he can make you the happiest woman in the world. When he thinks you aren’t watching, he stares at you like you created the universe. Zeno has completely fallen for you and he’s terrified. The thought of you not returning the depth of his feelings is a devastating reality for him.”
Céline’s statement resonated because I already felt it deep in my bones.
Zeno loved me.
He may not speak it in words, but he shouted it in actions.
“You’ll have to approach him first because he doesn’t even feel deserving of being in your presence right now.”
I swallowed. “Do you know where he is?”
“Oui. I saw him go into the maze with a bottle of liquor.”
I was going to seduce my husband tonight and end this rift between us.
Back in my room, I stripped to my birthday suit and donned a mermaid style nightgown that was black and completely translucent with thin straps and a low neckline. Sans bra or panties. I kept my hair loose down my back the way Zeno liked and clasped a diamond choker around my neck.
Other masters gifted their subs leather collars.
Mine gifted me necklaces with precious gemstones.
I’d obviously won the lottery in the husband department.
Smoothing a hand down my dress, my cheeks heated when I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. All I could see was the classy escort Zeno teased me of being and it was empowering to finally realize the kind of sway and beauty I possessed. It was enough to bring the most wicked man in the city to his knees and I would wield it like a weapon.
The west wing was shrouded in darkness when I finally left my room for the maze, a lantern in my hand. The soft buttery light guided me out of the house and into the night.
The backyard of the estate was magical and straight out of a fairy tale with rows of flower beds, fruit trees, and marble statues scattered across the landscape.
The intricate maze finally came into view.
With a courageous breath, I dived straight in.