Page 129 of Corrupted By You
“You want me to fuck you, baby?” he growled, swatting my ass. “I’ll fuck you so good tonight, you’ll forget why you ever closed the door on me.”
Sacrificial Goddess
My wife stared at me with stars in her eyes, nodding gently. “Oui.”
I loved when she spoke to me in French, her accent soft and a hint raspy from having woken up not too long ago.
I beheld her in a new light. There was no contempt. Only peace and the need for me shining in her gaze.
Obsession had sunk its claws deep in my core and I feared letting go would obliterate me beyond repair.
Darla Ivy Hill was my very own poison and remedy.
She had changed my life in such ways, I no longer remembered what it was like to not have her in it.
“I want to take you somewhere. Will you come with me?”
She cupped my cheek. “Anywhere.”
I turned my head and kissed her palm.
She smiled stunningly and it was in this moment that I finally understood why men in history had built monuments in honour of their wives.
I would go to war for this woman, steal for this woman, burn the world for this woman.
I would do anything for this woman so she felt worshipped like a goddess.
With Darla in my arms, I stood up and walked us out of the conservatory room. Belatedly realizing that I had foolishly gone and built a monument in honour of a wife who used to regard me with hatred, while wanting her to look at me the way she was now—sweet and with so much trust.
“Where are you taking me?” Darla stuffed her face in my neck, subtly inhaling my cologne.
I smirked at the love bite she sucked. Perhaps it was the night that lowered her defenses. Or perhaps it was the way I’d come for her when she was in danger. But I loved that she marked me of her own volition. “My dungeon.”
A shiver raked through her spine. “Do you really have one?”
“You’ve barely explored the estate, Darla. There are plenty of secret passages that lead to places you should not frequent.”
“Now you’re enticing me.”
“Good,” I hushed. “So long as you take me with you.”
The night was young and our demons were coming out to play. My ancient demesne was at rest, with only us awake and venturing down a stone walled corridor. Clipped footsteps resonated as I closed the distance between us and our new oasis.
My wife patiently observed our gloaming surroundings, her anticipation practically pouring out of her and seeping into me.
Long fingers trickled through my black hair. “And what exactly will happen once we reach this dungeon of yours?”
She knew exactly what was going to happen.
“I’m going to punish you for your sins, Darla.”
She was captivated by the room’s ardour.
Tucked in the deepest crevice of the De la Croix estate, this dungeon was once used for torturing traitors but now…now it was used for a different kind of torture.