Page 113 of Corrupted By You
Zeno gave me another bite, watching me with rapt attention.
A speck of cream landed at the corner of my lips. He beat me to it, reaching forward to wipe it with his finger before licking it shamelessly, erotically, and way too suggestively for a ballroom filled with a hundred guests.
The same group of old ladies who’d fawned over my wedding ring were now swooning over Zeno’s antics. He gave them a wink and I wanted to stomp my heel over his polished shoes, while simultaneously dragging him behind a partition.
Zeno finished the crème brûlée with a flourish. This was a man who savoured everything, whether it was cars, food, or my pussy. He took life in stride and had no qualms about expressing his opinions and taking the most comfortable seat at the table.
Ambitious. Driven. Bold.
My husband was everything fortune favoured.
Two men approached us and Zeno’s demeanour shifted back to his usual no-nonsense, all traces of playfulness evaporating. They exchanged greetings and I vaguely recalled them from the wedding.
“Darla, you remember Donovan and Romero,” Zeno said. “They’re just getting ready to leave.”
Ah, the infamous Romero St. Clair.
Grey eyes. Strong jaw. Cocksure smirk. There was something menacing hidden beneath his gentleman façade. I never pegged him as Dacia’s type—she liked to stay on the right side of the law—but he had a certain charm to him, I supposed.
Obviously, I wasn’t one to critique her choices because I fucked a criminal, and unfortunately, liked it.
“Yes, I do.” Doormat Darla was here and her smile was saccharine. “So nice to meet you again.”
Donovan, who seemed like the more sensible one of the bunch, shook my hand without lingering.
Romero, however, kissed my knuckles freely. “Enchanté.”
He had a perfect French accent.
“Pareillement,” I returned, clenching his hand.
A silent message to stay away from my sister, if you will.
Romero grew amused by the display of rebellion. “We didn’t have a chance to chat during your wedding, but I must say, up close, you’re far more stunning.”
Oh, he’s so smooth, trying to get into mygood graces after fucking my sister.
“Thank you. I didn’t realize Zeno had such charming, handsome friends—Oh my God!”
A big splash of wine landed along my forearm and down the side of my gown, staining the silky green in an ugly hue. Surprised, I glanced up to find the culprit.
Zeno casually deposited his empty glass on a waiter’s tray. “Have a good night,mes amis.”
Donovan struggled to hide his grin. Romero chuckled, dropping my hand.
And I bristled. “Did you just spill your wine all over me?”
“It was an accident,” Zeno said casually, while his friends saluted and left the party.
“A fucking accident?” I jeered, taking a spare napkin from a nearby table and patting my arm dry. Thankfully, no one saw this mishap. “You did that on purpose!”
“That’s what happens when you flirt with my friends.Accidents.”
“You called that flirting?”
“You were batting your lashes and smiling at him the way you used to smile at me…before you found out who I was.”
Instantly, my anger deflated and my chest unfurled with conflicting emotions.