Page 54 of The Jekyll and Hyde
Mrs Cambers.She was the hotel receptionist who described how hard Maggie worked.
Marie Chipping.She was the estate agent that Jane claimed Maggie had called everyonecountry yokels, and Maggie planned to turn the inn into a gastro pub. Marie stands up and says Jane out and out lied, and she confronted Jane about this.
Mrs Crane.She is the leader of the knitting circle, and they run the village. The men fear them.
Natalie Crane. Mrs Crane’s granddaughter who’s just finished college for hospitality and catering and how to run a business.
Mrs Button.Part of the knitting circle.
The Angels.
Metatron. He is the eldest angel, known as the archangel of life, ascension, or God’s Voice. No one knows quite for sure which role he takes. He is impatient and quick to confront his siblings.
Haniel.She is the archangel of Joy. She is sweet and curious.
Lucifer.He prefers to go by Luc but is feeling very depressed. Humans have forgotten that he and the devil are two separate entities and that he is the archangel in charge of keeping the devil imprisoned. Luc hates that it’s his name taken in vain against the devil and that he feels it’s time to quit being an angel, as he is so depressed. He feels even his brothers and sisters sometimes forget about who he really is.