Page 40 of The Jekyll and Hyde
Maggie had argued with Lucian about removing the opal from the inn. Maggie thought it was a danger, but Lucian had sensed power coming off it, and Maggie was worried Margery might use the energy to escape. Lucian demanded it remained at the inn, where he could be assured no harm could attach to Maggie. Their argument had raged back and forth all afternoon and only ended when Maggie snatched the stone and carried it out with her.
After such a long day, Maggie ran a hot bath and relaxed with the opal next to her.
He was prepared for Margery tonight, more than he’d ever been. He knew her body was dust, and Lucian couldn’t help but be relieved. It was one less thing to worry about. Lucian paced back and forth, watching the minutes tick past, and waiting for Margery. He hoped that now her corpse was gone, maybe she’d be weaker. He could hope.
On time, Margery exited her room, but this was different as she stopped after three steps and turned her nose up to sniff the air. Lucian watched as she raced down the stairs, tore through the protective sheets, and into the outer area. A soft howl left her lips as she saw her belongings were gone, and then she stormed into the second, glee written across her face.
“You fool! The opal was protected from me by a curse that you laid upon it. And whoever removed the orb broke it. As it is of my power, I can go where it goes! And I know exactly who it was, Lucian! You cursed the opal to only be touched by somebody pure of heart, and your little dove is the culprit.” Margery cackled as Lucian felt fear rush through him. Margery turned with a wicked grin on her lips and dashed straight at him. Lucian tensed, ready to push her back, and Jekyll strengthened him, but Margery passed through the walls.
“No!” Lucian screamed and, gathering his molecules, lunged for Margery, but she was gone.
“Tell her goodbye in your dreams!” Margery’s voice drifted on the wind. Lucian howled fruitlessly as he could only follow a few paces to the edge of the property before he was stopped.
“Katherine! Warn Maggie that Margery comes!” Lucian bellowed; his fists clenched at his side as he stared helplessly at the road.
Maggie awoke with a sense of danger. Something was warning her that evil was heading her way. Maggie didn’t hesitate as she leapt out of bed and dressed quickly. Just as she slipped her trainers on and grabbed her car keys, she felt overwhelming dread and then she saw it. The green, eerie grey mist that belonged to Margery. Somehow, the witch was in her hotel. Maggie did not dare to consider what might have happened to Lucian for Margery to escape. As it stood, Maggie was one floor up and trapped.
“Girl…” Margery’s sickening sweet tones drifted through the door. Maggie rushed to the bedside table and grabbed the opal before heading to her window. There was only one way out. If Maggie stayed here, Margery would rip her to shreds. Maggie shoved the orb into a pocket and wriggled out onto the windowsill. Carefully lowering herself, Maggie gulped as she dangled from the first-floor window.
With a deep breath and silent prayer, Maggie let go and hit the ground hard. She rolled as she landed, taking the pressure off her ankles, and ended up lying face down in the grass. Maggie didn’t pause as she scrambled to her feet, feeling her right ankle twinge, and raced for her car. The limp barely slowed her because sheer terror was behind her speed. Maggie clicked her key, and the motor flashed, and she wrenched the door open before flinging herself in.
As Maggie glanced up, she saw the eerie glow of Margery’s aura in her room, and then Maggie started the engine and peeled out of the car park. She didn’t turn the lights on until she hit the main road, hoping the other cars would prove a distraction to Margery should she follow. Maggie’s hopes were in vain as the green light turned into a ball and flew after her. The chase was on. Maggie’s breathing sped up in panic as she swerved to pass a slow driver in front of her and shot back into her lane.
Margery’s figure appeared in her rear window, and Maggie let out a frightened cry. She overtook another car, narrowly missing an oncoming vehicle. Margery was about eight cars behind her, and while she didn’t seem to gain momentum, neither was she slowing down. Margery shrieked, and Maggie’s back window cracked. As she glanced in her mirror, Maggie noticed three vehicles swerving with shattered windows. Maggie hissed as Margery flew through a lorry, and the heavy vehicle swerved across the road. She was sure she could hear the driver cursing. Maggie saw the turnoff for the street that led to the inn and took it at speed, her rear tyres slipping as Maggie kept her foot on the accelerator.
Swiftly changing gears, Maggie floored her little car as the back tyres gripped and then held onto the road. Maggie raced down the lane, thanking God there were no speed cameras on this stretch, and finally saw the chimneys of the Jekyll and Hyde in the treetops. Maggie hit the horn, hoping her mother or Lucian was still present at the inn, and swerved into the car park. She pulled out a parking manoeuvre that the Dukes of Hazard would have been proud of and leapt from the vehicle. Maggie’s damaged ankle slowed her as she limped towards the inn’s entrance, and Margery flew shrieking around the corner.
Spotting her quarry, Margery headed to Maggie as the inn door opened, and Maggie fell headfirst over the step. Swiftly rolling onto her back, Maggie stared wide-eyed as she scrambled backwards at the crazed image of the witch heading for her. Maggie hit the bar as Margery came straight after her. No sooner than she did, Margery slammed up against a brick wall that rippled across the inn. Lucian appeared in front of Maggie, who let out a relieved cry. Margery darted for them, and Lucian grabbed her around the throat.
He dragged Margery, kicking and screaming, towards her portrait and slung her at it.
“Now, Katherine!” Lucian yelled, and a sheer ball of fury punched Margery in the stomach and flung her at the painting. Margery’s nails scrabbled at the edge as rage bled off her. But she was sucked inside, and everything fell quiet.
“Well, not every day someone’s in a high-speed chase with a ghost after them!” Maggie giggled and then happily passed out.
He paced back and forth as he waited outside his room. As soon as Maggie collapsed, Lucian scooped her up and transported her to his sanctuary. He’d used Maggie’s phone to phone Melisandre, who assured him she and Nicholas were on the way, and they’d arrange for a physician to attend Maggie. The doctor had arrived thirty minutes after the call, during which Maggie had not awoken. He introduced himself as Dr Smythe before taking Lucian’s name. Katherine was figuratively climbing the walls, as was Lucian, when the doctor showed up.
Dr Smythe glanced around before being hurried upstairs to where Maggie lay. Lucian hadn’t enjoyed being pushed out of the room while the specialist completed his examination, but he knew Katherine was keeping a sharp eye on her daughter. The first sign of a threat, the doctor would be thrown through a window; Katherine didn’t care. The door finally opened, and Lucian glimpsed Maggie lying in bed before Dr Smythe blocked his view.
“Maggie has a sprained ankle and a bruised back. Her shoulders will be sore, and she has a headache, which is natural. Maggie claims she fell. Can you confirm this?” the expert asked, peering suspiciously at Lucian before dragging his eyes up and down Lucian’s body. Lucian glanced down and recognised the difference in their clothing.
“What would you like me to say? Maggie was chased by a vindictive ghost who wanted to unleash hell on earth, and Maggie had a component of the spell? That Maggie risked her very life in stopping the witch from completing her goal? Or that she fell down the stairs. Wait, how do you know Maggie says that? Is she awake?” Lucian began moving forward and was stopped by a firm hand on his chest. The doctor’s head tilted as he searched for something, and then resignation settled over his face.
“You’re the ghost or one of them.”
“What makes you say that?” Lucian demanded, craning his neck to see through the slightly ajar door.
“There’s no heartbeat,” the specialist replied abruptly. “I’m a man of science. This mystical stuff is beyond my comprehension. But this made interesting viewing. It’s one of many,” the doctor announced and pulled out a phone. He tapped the screens a few times, and Lucian drew in a sharp breath as Maggie was seen hanging from her hotel window. Luckily, it was dark enough not to see her features, but her limping run was clear. Then Margery’s ghost appeared in the window and flew after Maggie’s speeding vehicle.
Another video was pulled up, and this was from a passenger in a vehicle who was filming Maggie’s car zooming in and out, with Margery flying behind her. Lucian groaned and studied it to see if there was anything identifying Maggie. And was relieved when there wasn’t.
“Oh, there’s more, but none that could lead the police or nosey-parkers to Maggie. I guessed correctly because of her injuries. I don’t believe in the mystical, but the evidence in front of me says there is a world I don’t understand. And the pacing and irritation coming off you shows you’re not the evil entity. If the tales are true and you’ve kept something vile locked inside the inn, a word of advice. End it now,” Dr Smythe said calmly and stepped to one side.