Page 31 of The Jekyll and Hyde
“How could she?” Maggie gasped. She grabbed a chair and sat down heavily.
“She smelled your perfume. It was enough to inform Margery that somebody had been visiting. Margery then discovered the kitchen and attacked me. I barely held her back. That cunning witch had been storing her power, and she let it slam me all at once. I feared she might escape,” Lucian admitted, sitting opposite Maggie. He was in rather a state of undress, his breeches were fastened, and he had his riding boots on. But his shirt was undone, his cravat untied, and his waistcoat hung freely. Maggie’s eyes kept drifting to him and shuddering. It was Mr Darcy from the lake scene, only Lucian was dry.
“What do we do?” Maggie finally asked, dragging her stare from the well-defined muscles that were not hidden by the thin linen.
“Jekyll came to my aid,” Lucian said, and Maggie’s mouth dropped open in shock.
“My inn did what?” Maggie demanded.
“I was uncertain how to tell you, Maggie. But when I reconnected with Wollscombe, I felt something else flare to life. I thought it was Jekyll’s sentience, but I’ve seen little evidence until last night. Margery threatened you, and she was about to breach my protection. Then I experienced a wave of power, and I could strengthen the barrier to stop her from escaping. Jekyll also threw Margery back three times,” Lucian said as Maggie stared at him, astonished.
“My inn’s alive?” Maggie stuttered, and Lucian nodded.
“Close your eyes, Maggie, clear your mind of thoughts and search deep within yourself. What do you sense?” Lucian asked.
“Can you guess how busy my head is at any given time?” Maggie demanded, laughing, but did as Lucian had requested. Maggie struggled for a good five minutes but finally managed to sink into the meditation Lucian had ordered. Maggie sensed something deep in her core, and when she reached out, there was a thrill of delight, and a warm, loving sensation washed over her. Jekyll was rejoicing and sending wave after wave of love, protection, respect, and honour at Maggie. Maggie could feel Jekyll dancing around inside of her as Jekyll realised Maggie had noticed her.
“Wow,” Maggie said and opened her eyelids. Lucian was fully dressed, and there was food in front of her. “How long was I out?”
“An hour,” Lucian replied. Maggie’s eyes grew wide.
“It only felt like a few minutes.”
“My apologies, but it was most definitely an hour. That was one intense bonding?” Lucian questioned.
“Yes, I have only ever received such love from my mother,” Maggie explained. “Jekyll felt just like her.”
“Could it be her? Ghosts exist, Maggie, proof right in front of your eyes. What if your mum stayed with you?” Lucian asked gently. Maggie’s eyes widened, and tears filled them. She sniffed and closed her eyelids and dived deep again. A sense of love and wonder met her this time, and then memories popped into her head.
Katherine and a five-year-old Maggie are running down a beach. Maggie was in front because Katherine was letting her win. Then Katherine swooped and scooped Maggie up in her arms and smothered her with kisses.
Katherine rolled her eyes as the cake Maggie had made flopped in the middle, but they still ate it with ice cream, and Katherine declared it a masterpiece.
Maggie ran into Katherine’s bedroom, pouncing on her when she was fifteen, yelling happy birthday. Katherine rolled Maggie around and tickled her.
Katherine was lying sick on her bed just before she died and clearly worrying about Maggie and her future. Love shone in her eyes, but it wasn’t enough to keep Katherine tethered to life.
Maggie was standing with Mariah, Tilly, Callie, Stephanie, and Cole, holding Maggie up as the wooden coffin of Katherine’s was lowered into the ground. Maggie cries out for Katherine not to leave her, and Katherine appears by Maggie’s other side.
Katherine guides Maggie’s hand to take a chance on the lottery when Maggie never played. Katherine gives the ticket a good luck kiss.
“Jekyll is my mum! She never left me and was always by my side!” Maggie exclaimed, opening her eyes. The sheer emotion of joy took Lucian’s breath away as he stared at her.
“I wondered because when she connected with me, I sensed a mother’s love,” Lucian said after a long pause.
“How did Mum merge with the inn?” Maggie thought.
“That is something I do not have an answer for, Maggie. I don’t even know how Wollscombe is sentient, but she is,” Lucian replied. His own happiness for Maggie swelled deep inside him. Maggie had just been given a wonderful gift, and she knew it. She had her mother back. Maggie giggled as a vase of flowers raised and wobbled about before dropping to the table.
“I think Mum is trying out her new body,” Maggie exclaimed. The vase lifted again and dropped heavily, spraying Lucian with water. He spluttered as he wiped his face while Maggie laughed.
“Yes, I see who you got it from!” Lucian said, mock grumpily. Jekyll trilled several times, a sweet sound which Lucian took to mean laughter.
“Lucian!” Maggie gasped as he rose to his feet.