Page 51 of Blood Red Kiss
“Anyway, that’s enough of me for now,” Hans said, switching the focus again. “Let’s talk about you.”
I pulled a face in confusion, still chewing until I swallowed.
“I’m hardly a vampire with seven hundred years of stories,” I replied. “There’s nothing much to say on my side. I grew up in Orcop. Went to school. Lived with Mum and Grandma in the village. You know all this anyway though, don’t you? You said it yourself. You’ve been watching me my whole life.”
He smiled. “Yes.”
“So, why ask me?”
He laughed at that. “Because you’re squirming in your seat, so freaked out that you’re paler than I am.”
I laughed back. “Is it that obvious?”
“It is, yes. So let’s change the topic. Onto you and your past, or onto some aspects of our… present.”
He had the power to flick the moods between us like light switches. He was a master of energies and tones.
“It’s all right,” he said. “The past is the past, and time moves in cycles. Turn your attention to the now.”
His eyes were lustful and deep with desire, and there was no point denying it. The magnetism between us was still burning strong, even under the nausea. If anything, his history made me more attracted to him, like something profound was going on under the surface. Some kind of knowing.Wanting. Craving.
“Tell me what turns you on, little one. Truly, deeply, from the depths of your fantasies.”
I felt shy in my seat all of a sudden.
“I… I don’t really know yet.”
He laughed again. “I don’t believe you.”
I shrugged, striving for honesty. “Ok, so what do you want me to say? The thought of a blood house and some filthy hot people getting bitten for fun? Running across cobblestones while you chase me, so out of breath and desperate I can’t get away? You fucking my pussy so hard I can barely stand it while you suck my blood like a monster?”
“Yes. If that’s the truth of it.”
“You know that’s the truth of it. You’ve seen how excited I get.”
He flashed me a gorgeous white smile.
“Yes. I just wanted to hear you say it out loud. I love it when you speak like that.”
It was just like being in my dreams again, but my fantasies had more of an eerie quality to them when they were out in the open, even with the thrum of the restaurant trying to mute out my words.
I looked at my steak, trying to focus again on what I should be eating, but it was pointless. My body was already buzzing with need. My excitement was already making me wet, my thighs clammy.
“Keep on eating that steak,” Hans said. “You’ll need your strength for later.”
I grabbed hold of his statement with both hands.
“Why? What are you going to do to me?”
“I’m still deciding. I’ll let your body guide me on that, but I do have a penchant for the chase. There is a great thrill to blood being taken that way, in chase and submission, even if it’s only playacting. As I said earlier, a lot of blood players like consensual non-consent. It’s quite a staple fantasy. I know you have it too, Katherine, as do I.” He smiled. “It’s you I want to play the games with now though, little one. You and only you. You drive me so wild I can barely stand it. I could get up and pin you on this table right now or chase you right out of this restaurant. Luckily, I have slightly more restraint than that. I don’t want to end up in a jail cell tonight.”
I nearly dropped my cutlery at the heat in his eyes. My heart was thumping even louder than the quartet. It was the stare he gave me, like the creature in the dark and not the gentleman opposite me. My thighs clenched. My bites throbbed sore. He was speaking to a part of me below the surface.
The part with my feet pounding the cobblestones.
It was the way he was so confident with it, too. The power in his smirk ofI know what you need.
“Go with it,” he told me. “Feed your fantasies.”