Page 46 of Blood Red Kiss
I could have grabbed hold of him right then and begged him to take me upstairs again, but the thought of dining out with a vampire while the world looked on oblivious was a major pull.
“Choose your outfit, little one,” he said.
There was only one obvious contender, so I picked out my finest. A dress in a beautiful dark blue, high enough at the neckline to cover my bite marks, and fitted nice and tightly down to my knees. I’d fallen in love with it but never had the confidence, or the occasion, to wear it before.
I’d need a bolero to cover yet more bite marks, so I picked one of those from a hanger too. Thank God I had a choker in a lovely black lace, just thick enough to cover my neck wounds. I chose my highest heels. A pair of stilettos with lovely black straps to match my choker. I just hoped I wouldn’t stumble over on the pavement.
“I wouldn’t let you fall,” Hans said. “We’ll take it steady tonight, how about that? No cobblestone sprints.”
Something about that disappointed me. I got a tingle of a shiver at the thought of being chased up Hyde Street again.The cobblestones. The bites with my back to the wall. The panting. The fear. His hand between my legs…
“I’ll need to get ready myself,” Hans told me, interrupting my thoughts. “You can come upstairs with me, or feel free to–”
I didn’t need him to finish his sentence. I was already grabbing my makeup and toiletries and following him up the stairs.
I brushed my teeth and combed my hair in the ensuite while he disappeared into a dressing room, and then I opted to push my confidence some more. I went for smoky eyes and deep, dusky pink lips – much more dramatic than I was used to, but my outfit deserved it. I was still checking myself out in the bathroom mirror when I heard Hans’ footsteps approaching.
I spun around in a daze, and there he was, in a perfectly tailored tuxedo with his hair slicked back. He could have stepped straight from a vintage movie. I was a hot mess as he joined me and ran his thumb across my cheek.
“You are absolutely beautiful,” he told me, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yeah, well that makes two of us then, doesn’t it?”
“Just as well we’re a couple then, isn’t it?”
His words slammed home.A couple.
“That’s how I’d refer to us,” Hans said. “Would you agree?”
This was insane, surely? So soon, but so real. Yet, I couldn’t fight it, and couldn’t deny it. I didn’t want to…
Hans kept on talking.
“It’s a great relief, since I’ve spent a very long time waiting for you to be at my side. I don’t want to wait any longer.”
Because I’ve been waiting your whole life– that was the sense of emotion I got from his words.
It came with another vision of the trapdoor in my subconscious. A thump of the mysteries underneath.
I didn’t want to face them, so pulled away from it, back to the present and hottest man on the planet.
“Steakhouse then, is it?” I guessed.
“Good guess. Steak will most certainly be on the menu where I’m taking you.”
I felt like a queen on the arm of a king when we descended the stairs together and reached the front door. My teeth marks were pulsing under my dress, and I was buzzing live with them, already feeling the desperation for more.So many more.
I needed his teeth in me. I needed his vampire fangs, and his touch, and the pain of taking his cock like I did last night.
“Steady,” he whispered as we stepped out onto the street. “We need to get you dinner first. It’s still only 8 p.m., we have plenty of time ahead.”
He already had a cab waiting for us on the street outside.
The Waterstone Restaurant, Westminster,he told the driver, and we set off on our way.
Hans had his hand on my knee in the back seat, and my skin responded with prickles. Needy.