Page 108 of Blood Red Kiss
“Edwin told me you were coming. Nice to see you. I’ve heard a lot.”
I hadn’t heard a thing about him, but didn’t speak that aloud. I was still the newbie in a very tight knit crowd.
One I’d spend a long time getting to know. That was for sure.
Edwin put his hand on Daniel’s shoulder, and holy fuck, I felt the connection between them sizzling across the table. Daniel was Edwin’s lover. A serious one. The lust between them glowed like a furnace.
“I’m sure you two will have plenty of time to get to know each other,” Edwin said.
Hans pulled out a seat for me on the opposite side of the table from them, taking his place beside me.
His friend didn’t waste any time before getting down to business, addressing Hans the moment they were both seated.
“I wasn’t expecting Katherine’s transition so soon. I thought you’d hold back at least twelve months.”
“You knew I intended to visit on Halloween, Edwin.”
“Yes,” Edwin replied. “But there’s a big difference between showing your love the place you were transitioned, and taking their life on the same spot.”
I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say a thing. I was definitely becoming more self-assured in my silence.
Hans wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Katherine is very insistent, and very sure.”
“I’d hope so,” Edwin said, and wrapped his arm around Daniel’s shoulder to mirror us. “Daniel has been very sure for nearly two years now, but I’m still not certain it’s time.”
“It’s Katherine’s time,” Hans insisted, and they stared at each other for a few long seconds.
It was Edwin who broke the stare.
“Excellent. Then I guess this calls for a preliminary celebration.” He paused. “ROBERT!”
With that another man came in from a door off to the side. A butler, clearly – but a much older one than the one at the blood house.
He gave Edwin a bow. “Yes, sir?”
“Steaks, please,” Edwin said, before looking at me. “Assuming you like steak, of course, Katherine? I’d hope so. My apologies. I forget that not everyone may be accustomed to blood-player traditions.”
My stomach was crying out for some actually.
“Don’t worry,” I said. “And yes please, I’d love some.”
Robert the butler disappeared, then returned to present us with bottles of wine before our steaks. There were only two glasses on the tray he offered.
“Would you like some wine, madam?” he asked me, and I nodded with athank youas I took my glass.
I felt like I was becoming initiated into traditions without even realising it.
“It’s merlot, right?” I asked.
Robert smiled. “Yes. It is.”
I looked over at Edwin and Daniel. “Merlot and steak. These must be the staples.”
“Not for you much longer,” Hans said. “Your days of steak and merlot are shortly coming to an end.”
I looked at his expression. Another hint of humour.
“Ah, ok. Did Frederick change your merlot for blood in the bathroom every single time, or just some of them?” I asked, and he smirked at me.