Page 97 of Dark Gambit Reliance
Toven hadn't seen the event and had only been told about it after the guy had brought the injured female to the compound's clinic.
With everyone wearing identical suits, it was impossible to distinguish who was who. Only Bhathian and Yamanu wore a colorful band around their arm that identified them as Head Guardians.
When the van came to a stop next to him, Sofia opened the side passenger door, waved at him, and then bolted toward the human section of the compound or maybe to search for Marcel.
Mia leaned forward and smiled. "Hello, my love. I'm glad to see that you are really unharmed."
"Did you doubt it when I told you I was fine?"
"I did," she admitted. "You sounded off."
"I called you as soon as the compound was secured, and there was still a lot to do. I was in a bit of a rush." He pulled her wheelchair from the back and unfolded it.
Lifting her into his arms, he hugged her to his chest for several long moments before lowering her to the chair.
She smiled up at him. "You hugged me as if you missed me terribly."
"Of course, I missed you." He crouched next to her chair. "I'm just glad that it's over. I've never been fond of battles."
"Who is?"
"You'd be surprised." He turned to look at the Guardians, who were still patrolling the grounds in their exoskeletons.
Jade had assured them that all the purebloods and hybrids were accounted for, but they didn't want to take any chances.
Toven had removed his suit as soon as he had deemed it safe.
Mia put her hand on his shoulder. "Let's get to the compulsion part. The faster we have everyone compelled, the sooner William can stop scrambling the compound's communications. Where is Igor's second? He's the first on the list, right?"
"He's on the second floor of the office building. The Guardians have him contained."
She turned her chair toward the building. "Wasn't that guard you compelled at the tunnel entrance in charge of that?"
"He was until the Guardians took over. We don't know where Pavel stands yet. He helped Jade because I compelled him to obey her. I don't know if he would have done it of his own free will."
They met Jade in the lobby of the office building. "How do you want to do it?" she asked. "Do you want them brought to you individually or in groups?"
All the Kra-ell were locked in the office building's basement, so if they set up shop in one of the offices on the first floor, it wouldn't take long to bring them up.
"You can bring three at a time. But first, let's take care of Valstar."
She grimaced. "You have no idea what I had to endure to keep him alive. His vile blood is souring my digestive system."
"It was unavoidable."
"I know." She let out a breath. "After Valstar, I'll bring up my daughter. She's terrified and won't calm down no matter what I say to her. When you free her from Igor's compulsion, can you do something to ease her?"
"I'm not a therapist, but I'll do my best."
"Thank you." She shifted her eyes to Mia. "They are all terrified. Even those who pretend to be brave. I know we are pressed for time, but if you can say a few encouraging words to help them calm down, it would make my job easier. Igor has them all under his compulsion, even the children, except for the very young ones."
"What are you planning to do?" Mia asked.
"Assemble the females of my former tribe and get them to help me sort this place out."
"How is Kagra doing?" Toven asked.
"Your doctor assures me that she will live."