Page 84 of Dark Gambit Reliance
As pleasure consumed her, Marcel's hand muffled her cry of release, and his fingers kept their light circling until he wrung the last tremor out of her and stilled.
"Why did you stop?" she murmured.
"This was about you, not me. Now, go to sleep." He kissed her neck and pulled her pajama pants up.
She was too tired to argue. The orgasm left her boneless and relaxed, her head empty of disturbing thoughts, and as she drifted off to sleep, she murmured, "Thank you. I'll return the favor tomorrow."
He chuckled next to her neck. "You're welcome, my love. It was my pleasure."
The river was starting to ice over, but it was just the beginning, and the amphibian's progress hadn't been slowed down because of it. Nevertheless, the vehicle's speed was painfully slow.
Mia had protested when Toven had informed her that she needed to stay behind in the farmhouse with Sofia, but he'd been adamant about not bringing her into the battle. When they had control of the compound, she would be brought over by the Guardians he'd left with her.
She'd tried to argue that the men were needed in battle and that it was a waste to leave them behind just because of her and Sofia, and she'd even tried to pull the Sylvia card. If Roni's mate was going with William in the van that was leading half the force through the tunnels' side, then why weren't she and Sofia allowed to join the force that was attacking from the hunting grounds?
It was a valid point, and he hadn't had the heart to tell her that Sylvia's help was crucial because the cameras in the tunnels could be wired to the compound, and William's disrupter might not work on them, but she and Sofia weren't needed until they secured the compound.
The problem was that Toven wasn't at all sure that they would succeed. They had the element of surprise on their side, help from Jade and Kagra, and superior equipment and weaponry, but the Kra-ell were incredibly strong, and they would be defending their home and their children. They had no way of knowing that it was a liberation and not an impending annihilation.
"You haven't practiced wearing the exoskeleton," Yamanu said. "I know that you plan to fight with your mind and not your muscles, but the suit also provides superior protection. Unless they fire an RPG at you, which we know they don't have, you're not going to get hurt while inside of it."
Across from him, Merlin tried to stifle a smile and failed. The doctor was a strange choice for this mission, and Toven wondered why Julian hadn't been assigned to accompany the Guardians.
"What's funny?" Yamanu asked Merlin.
"Nothing. I'm not wearing a suit either."
"You are staying behind in the amphibian until we secure the compound, so you don't have to, but I would have felt better if you wore one."
Toven patted his Kevlar vest. "This, the helmet, and the goggles will do. As long as my head, my eyes, and my heart are protected, and the Kra-ell don't have anything stronger than grenades to throw at me, I'm good."
Yamanu shook his head. "As strong as they are, they can grab you and tear you limb from limb, reach into your ribcage and pull your heart out, or twist your head off."
"You forget that I can compel them to freeze. I don't expect any of them to be immune. Igor wouldn't have allowed an immune to live."
Yamanu didn't look impressed with his reasoning. "You might be able to seize the mind of one, maybe two attackers, but what if there are more?
Toven winced. "Then I guess you and your fellow Guardians will need to shield me."
"We will be busy with the rest of the Kra-ell."
"Then I guess I need to wear the suit."
Yamanu grinned as if he'd won an argument.
Toven frowned. "What part of what we were talking about amused you?"
"Bhathian and I made a bet, and he just lost. He said that you were going to play the haughty 'I'm an indestructible god' card, but I said that you were a reasonable dude, and you would understand that you couldn't join the attacking force without the suit. You'll have to stay behind in the amphibian and wait until we secure the compound."
"How difficult are those exoskeletons to operate?"
"They are cumbersome." He gave Toven a once-over. "But you're a god, which I assume makes you stronger than most immortals, and you are also a smart fellow. If you want to give it a try, you're welcome to a suit."
Toven had a feeling that he'd just been outmaneuvered by the Head Guardian. "You planned this entire conversation to convince me to wear the damn suit, didn't you?"