Page 7 of Dark Gambit Reliance
"Don't you have a job to do?"
He put the code into the keypad. "I'm on an unofficial vacation. The team I was supervising was sent home."
She arched a brow. "Am I your new job?"
He paused just outside the door at the top of the stairs and pulled her into his arms. "You are my everything."
She didn't smile. "Do you love me?"
"Are you still doubting my feelings for you?"
"You've never said the actual words."
"Neither have you."
Sofia frowned. "Haven't I? I was sure that I had."
He shook his head. "We both admitted to having fallen for each other, which is basically saying the same thing, just without the word love in it."
"The Kra-ell don't believe in love."
He took her hand and led her out of the cottage. "We are not Kra-ell. Someone once told me that the definition of love is not being able to stay away from your beloved or being unable to imagine life without her. Since both are true for me, I must be in love with you."
Sofia rolled her eyes. "That's the most unromantic way to tell a woman that you love her, and it's also so you. I can't believe that in your youth, you were ruled by your emotions. You're so logical and analytical now."
Marcel's good mood took a nosedive. "I was a different man back then. I don't think that guy is still in here." He touched a hand to his chest. "I think that he died three centuries ago."
For some reason, his comment had Sofia smile brilliantly. "Here is a solution to your feelings of guilt. You killed yourself along with Cordelia's husband, so you’ve already been punished, and you can let go of the guilt."
This time Marcel couldn't blame the venom for Sofia's dismissive attitude toward the crime he'd committed. He hadn't bitten her this morning, and the venom from last night was long gone from her system.
"I wish I could, but I can't. Once this crisis is over, your people are free, and things go back to normal, I'll walk into our judge's office, confess my crime, and accept any punishment she deems appropriate."
"Don't." She stopped and lifted their clasped hands to her chest. "What if the judge sentences you to life in prison? I just found you. I can't lose you."
"I don't think she will, but she might sentence me to whipping or a short entombment." When tears started spilling from the corners of Sofia's eyes, he lifted their hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "If she gives me a choice, I'll choose the whipping. I don't want to be away from you even for a few days."
"Then don't do it. You don't need some judge to absolve you of your crimes. Let me be your judge and determine your punishment."
He smiled. "And what would that punishment be?"
Sofia resumed walking. "Community service of some sort. Eleanor said that your people rescue trafficking victims and help rehabilitate them. You can be one of the rescuers. You used to be a Guardian, so you have the skills." She tilted her head. "I doubt you'd be any good in helping with the rehabilitation, though. Your bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired."
"Oh, yeah? What about my in-bed manner? Does that leave a lot to be desired as well?"
Sofia shook her head. "Men. No matter what species, you are always insecure about your performance. Yours was fine."
He stopped in his tracks. "Just fine?"
Laughing, she tugged on his hand. "It was exceptional."
"That's better." He let Sofia drag him behind her for a couple of moments. "The dining hall is on your left."
"Oh." She changed direction. "So, what do you think about my idea?"
"It has merit, but I enjoy what I'm doing now much more than I ever enjoyed being a Guardian."
"Perfect. Then it will be a real punishment for you."