Page 58 of Dark Gambit Reliance
Toven regarded the Guardian with even greater appreciation. "In addition to being an incredible thraller and shrouder, you can also sing people to sleep?"
Yamanu nodded. "I think it works the same way as compulsion does because I need to use my voice. Kri has a calming influence that works more like thralling. She helps calm down the trafficking victims we rescue."
"Do you do that as well?"
"I don't go out on rescue missions, but I volunteer in the halfway house once a week. I organize a karaoke night, which is the most popular activity in the house. The girls love it."
"I'm sure they do." Toven adjusted Mia on his lap. "Perhaps I could volunteer as well, and I know Mia would love to contribute too. I could teach a creative writing class, and Mia can teach children's book illustration." He gave the Guardian a sidelong glance. "If they are not intimidated by you, they probably won't be intimidated by me."
Yamanu pursed his fleshy lips. "No offense, Toven, but you lack my charming personality. I might be intimidating at first glance, but all it takes to break the ice is one smile." He flashed a toothy grin that was indeed disarming.
"I can smile too." Toven tried to imitate the Guardian.
Yamanu winced. "Again, no offense, but you need to work on that. You look like you're constipated."
Kagra trailed behind Jade to the security office. "Why are you refusing to take me hunting with you today?"
Jade was tempted to share Pavel's strange invitation with her second and tell her what it could possibly mean. Kagra was strong, and she could resist the compulsion to report suspicious activity to the security office, but if Jade was walking into a trap, she didn't want to take Kagra down with her.
"I told you. I'm restless. I need some time alone."
Kagra stopped and turned to face her. "What's going on? I know you too well to buy that."
She didn't want to lie, especially about something like this, but Kagra left her no choice. "I'm meeting Pavel. I accepted his invitation."
Kagra's brows shot up. "What happened to the vow you made never to enjoy yourself sexually again?"
"I never took a vow. I just wasn't in the right state of mind to seek pleasure." She affected a grin and leaned closer to Kagra. "I’m still not. Igor is out of the compound, and when he returns, I'm going to rub it in his face that Pavel is a better lover."
Her second looked doubtful. "Pavel is a kid, and I doubt he can overpower you. You know that you can't lie to Igor."
Jade shrugged. "So I need to make sure that I enjoy it. I don't detest Pavel, and maybe I can enjoy myself without fighting for dominance. You said that I should try it."
"I did, but I never believed that you would actually listen to me. You are as prime as they come. Can you even get turned on without it?"
"You are as much prime material as I am, and yet you said that you sometimes skipped the fighting stage and enjoyed softer touches."
"Once in a while, it's nice to try something different. I still find fighting for dominance arousing." She smiled wickedly. "Even when the males don't win."
"You're not a traditionalist, that's for sure."
Back in the day, telling a pureblood that she was abandoning tradition would have been considered an insult. They prided themselves on being traditionalists. But after two decades with Igor, adhering to the old rules of conduct seemed like a futile attempt to cling to what had been lost.
"No, I'm not." Kagra clapped her on the back. "I'm a progressive like the Wise Queen, and I'm willing to try new things."
The Wise Queen had been the one who had outlawed the tribal wars and duels to the death, but Jade wasn't sure it had been such a wise move. It had stopped the bloodshed, but it had created a slew of other problems.
"We wouldn't be here if the Wise Queen had left things the way they were."
Kagra shrugged. "There is no point engaging in what ifs. Tell me how it goes with Pavel."
As her second walked away, Jade expelled a breath. If Kagra had bought her story, everyone else would as well. No one knew her better than her second, not even her own daughter.
At the security office, the guard on duty didn't ask why she was going hunting alone, and as she walked to the gate with the clearance badge attached to her chest, the guard opened it up for her and waved her through.