Page 5 of Dark Gambit Reliance
Grunting like a gorilla, he punched his chest. "Me, Tarzan. You, Jane. I bring food. But first, shower." He kissed the tip of her nose and then jumped out of bed and sprinted for the bathroom.
She loved seeing Marcel smiling and joking around. He'd been so scared of her reaction to his confession, and the truth was that it had been a shocking revelation, but from a human's perspective of time, the crime had happened so long ago that the statute of limitations should have kicked in. Not that he could stand trial in a human court, but his clan laws were probably similar. Did premeditated murder even have a statute of limitations?
Had it been premeditated, though?
Yeah, it had been.
Marcel had followed Cordelia's husband home, not to have a chat with him or even to give him a warning. He'd planned to kill the man.
So why couldn't she bring herself to be repulsed by it or even judge Marcel harshly for it?
Perhaps her savage one-quarter Kra-ell was overriding the three-quarters human? Or maybe it was the influence of growing up with purebloods and hybrids and absorbing their attitudes? Or perhaps she was just blinded by love the way Marcel had been with that bitch.
Cordelia deserved to forever walk in the valley of the shamed.
Or did she?
Would the Mother of All Life fault her for plotting to get rid of her husband if he'd wronged her?
Probably not.
"Ugh, religion is so frustrating."
"Did you say something?" Marcel called from the bathroom.
"I was talking to myself."
With a sigh, Sofia tossed the blanket aside and slid out of bed. She needed to use the bathroom, but despite making love to Marcel in every possible position, she wasn't comfortable peeing in front of him yet.
Instead, she grabbed a fresh outfit and went to the bathroom in the next room over.
When she returned to the bedroom, she found Marcel sitting on the bed with his phone pressed against his ear.
"Perhaps I should start the coffee." She turned to go back out.
Marcel looked up. "It's Turner. He wants to speak with you."
"Now? Can't he wait for me to have some coffee?"
It surprised her that the strategist worked during the weekend. Not many humans were willing to give up their free days. Should she be glad or worried that he did?
Marcel had reassured her that his people were just collecting information and that they were not planning to attack the compound, but maybe they were going to help Jade and the others free themselves. Did that require working on a Sunday?
They must deem the matter urgent for some reason.
Perhaps Jade had contacted them with new information?
"Here." Marcel handed her the phone. "I'll make you coffee." He activated the speaker. "Sofia is here, Turner."
"Thank you," Turner said. "How are you this afternoon?"
Was it afternoon already? She hadn't checked the time.
"I'm very well, thank you. What can I help you with?"
"I need to know the wording Igor used to phrase his monthly compulsion sessions with you."
Sitting on the bed, she let out a breath. "It was more or less the same thing every month with only a few slight variations. I was to keep the existence of the Kra-ell a secret. I was to keep the location of the compound a secret. I was to do everything in my power to protect the compound and its inhabitants, and I was never to do anything that could endanger the compound and its inhabitants. I was to report to the security office any suspicious activity that might endanger the compound, and I was to follow the commands of my superiors in order of their hierarchy. Igor's command overruled commands given by Valstar, Valstar's commands overruled that of everyone under him, and so on. When I was away, I had to call once a week to report, and I had to come back in person once a month."