Page 32 of Dark Gambit Reliance
The image of her in his tub was enough to harden him instantly. "I have a very nice tub. I hope you are not too tired."
Her lips lifted on one corner. "I am, but I can handle some lazy love."
"I can work with that." He slid his hand down to her tight ass and gave it a light squeeze.
Sofia slowed her steps. "Maybe we should stop by the nurse's office and get some condoms."
"What for?"
"The transition didn't start yet, and frankly, I hope it won't until this knotted mess unravels. I'd rather wait."
Marcel was disappointed, but he could understand why Sofia wanted to wait. Besides, it might be better for her to attempt transition without the added stress of what was about to happen in Karelia.
"We can get some on the way. They have them at the clinic."
"Thank you." She kissed his cheek.
"Nothing to thank me for. Kian wanted us to wait until we faked your death, and I haven't told him yet that we got carried away."
She arched a brow. "Why didn't you tell me?"
It had happened right after he'd told her about his crime, and when she'd accepted him unconditionally despite it, he couldn't deny her anything.
"So the blame would be on me."
Sofia shook her head. "Don't do that. We are a team, and we do everything together, including defying Kian and getting in trouble for it."
His heart swelled in his chest, and he tightened his arm around her. "I love you so much."
"I love you, too." She leaned her head on his shoulder.
When they got to the clinic, there was no one there, and as they helped themselves to several boxes of condoms, Sofia giggled like a schoolgirl.
"Are you sure it's okay to raid their stash like that?" she asked.
"I'm sure." He opened her duffle bag and stuffed the boxes inside. "I'll tell Gertrude tomorrow so she will know to order more." He pushed the door open and stepped outside.
"It's getting really cold." Sofia rubbed her hands over her arms. "Where is your bungalow?"
He transferred her duffle bag to his other shoulder and wrapped his arm around her. "It's the fourth one up the hill."
The structures were so small and close to each other that it took them less than five minutes to cover the distance.
"Go ahead. The door is open." He waited for Sofia to open up and flip the lights on.
"It's very nice." She looked around his space. "And so tidy. I like that you are not a slob. My last boyfriend was so messy. His dirty clothes were all over the floor, and unless I collected the paper plates with food leftovers and threw them away, they just stayed there and stunk up the place."
The image in his head wasn't of the boyfriend's laundry strewn over his dwelling. It was of Sofia lounging on said boyfriend's bed, and it elicited a nasty growl that started deep in his throat.
Thankfully, Sofia's human ears didn't pick it up.
"Please don't mention past boyfriends." He carried her luggage to the bedroom.
She followed him inside. "It's a deal if you don't mention your past girlfriends either. What happened in the past should stay in the past."
"Wise words." He followed her to the bathroom.
"I love it. Everything is so well planned that even though the bungalow is small, it has all the amenities." She walked over to the tub and started the water. "I think we can both fit inside." She cast him a bright smile. "What do you think?"