Page 57 of Dark Gambit: The Play
His own climax was hovering near the edge, and the need to pound into her was overwhelming, but the need to prolong the closeness and look into her eyes was even greater. Once he bit her, she would black out, and then he would lose the connection to her soul and would have to be satisfied with just holding her body until she floated back down.
He wasn't ready for that.
"Your eyes are glowing," she murmured.
He'd forgotten about that, but he was loath to command her to close her eyes. He couldn't get enough of looking into their blue depths.
It was time to tell her about himself, so he would no longer have to hide his fangs and his eyes, but he could never tell her everything.
"It's nothing. Ignore it." Reluctantly, he just closed his own eyes.
As Marcel closed his eyes, Sofia mourned the loss of the window into his soul.
He wasn't a normal human. He had paranormal talents, so maybe somewhere down his ancestral line there had been a Kra-ell. Then again, his ability to make her forget things or remember things that had never happened wasn't one of theirs. They were compellers, some weak, some strong, but as far as she knew, none of them could erase memories or plant new ones in human minds.
That must have come from his human genes.
As her pleasure surged again, bringing her to the verge of climax, thoughts of genetics and the mystery of glowing eyes were forgotten, and all she could focus on was the male thrusting into her, and how good it felt to be in his arms.
Sofia had never enjoyed ceding control, and given the precarious situation she was in, that wasn't the wisest thing to do, but somehow, despite everything, she trusted Marcel like she'd never trusted any other man.
He would never hurt her, not intentionally anyway.
In the short time they'd known each other, he'd repeatedly hurt her feelings, but he hadn't set out to do that. He was just inept romantically, and he'd been hurt in the past, so he was being careful.
Was she making excuses for him?
Maybe, but having him hold her arms over her head and thrust into her like he was a sex god with boundless stamina felt too good to question.
When his thrusts became furious, and the bed groaned in protest under them, the tightly wound coil inside of her got released without warning, and as she cried out her climax, she instinctively turned her head to the side, exposing her neck.
On some subconscious level, she knew what was about to happen next, but when the pain from twin incisions registered, it was a shock nonetheless.
She cried out, and her eyes popped open, but all she could see was the top of Marcel's blond head, and then the pain disappeared as if it had never been, and she was orgasming so hard that she felt like passing out from the pleasure.
The euphoria washing over her stole her breath away, and she felt as if she had died and her spirit had left her body.
She was weightless, soaring up over the clouds, and as she looked down, she saw all kinds of ethereal creatures roaming around an idyllic landscape. Beautiful and insubstantial, they looked up at her, acknowledging her passing through their world by smiling and waving.
Were they real?
Had she passed through the veil separating different realities? Or was she in the human heaven?
Those weren't the fields of the brave or the valley of the shamed, and there was no Kra-ell in sight. Was it a near-death experience? Or had she died from too much pleasure, her heart giving out?
The floating, peaceful feeling was too extraordinary to waste on wondering the why and the how of it. Instead, she let go of her earthly concerns, and let herself forget all that she had been told about the human God and the Kra-ell Mother of All Life.
Soaking up the sensations, she was at peace with the universe.
"How do I look?" Kian walked into the family room wearing a charcoal suit.