Page 40 of Dark Gambit: The Play
"That was the idea. When we are not together, I want you to be thinking about me."
"I do." She kissed his cheek before opening the door. "All the time."
Smiling, Eric closed it behind her and went to sit on the couch. Being with Darlene was pure joy. He couldn't help comparing this incredibly supporting and loving relationship with the mess that his marriage had been.
There had been tender moments, and he'd thought that he was in love, but the bad stuff outweighed the good, even without taking the infidelity into account. His ex's volatile temper, the anger tantrums that had come out of nowhere, the bruises she'd caused that he'd hidden with clothing to save himself the need to lie about how he'd gotten them. How had he endured that for so long?
Why had he?
He was a handsome fellow if he said so himself, pretty smart too, and a pilot. He could have found someone else easily. His damn stubbornness, his refusal to call it quits, that was what had kept him chained to a disaster.
Perhaps it had been the Fates' way of preparing him for Darlene. He might not have appreciated her gentle and giving nature if he hadn't gone through the ordeal with his ex.
Now, he couldn't imagine life without her, and the thought of losing her terrified him. The fear was like a hungry beast, gnawing at his insides and infusing him with an unbearable sense of urgency. That was why he was beating down his possessive instincts and orchestrating her transition with Max's help.
Hopefully, he was doing the right thing.
With a sigh, Eric picked up his phone and dialed Bridget's number.
She answered right away. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing fine. My gums are a little swollen, but they don't hurt yet. I can't believe that I'm actually looking forward to the pain."
"It will come. What can I help you with?"
That was Doctor Bridget. No beating around the bush with her.
"I have a question. I know that it hasn't been done before, but I want your opinion. Can a female Dormant's transition be induced by two different male immortals? I won't have fangs for another six months, and I'm afraid that Darlene doesn't have the time. I ran the idea by Max, and he's willing to do the biting while I do the other part." He took a breath. "He says that I will need to be chained down so I don't attack him, but I don't think it will be necessary. I'm not a violent person by nature."
For a long moment, the doctor didn't reply, and he wondered whether he'd shocked her into silence. "What do you think?"
"Frankly, I don't know. We speculate that insemination is a catalyst, enhancing the venom's potency. Theoretically, it shouldn't make a difference whether both are produced by the same male or not, but since there is also a bond involved, I would be wary of introducing competing catalysts."
That was an angle he hadn't considered. "I think that Darlene and I have already bonded. I feel a connection with her that I've never felt before. That's why I'm willing to do this crazy thing. I can't bear the thought of losing her because we didn't do everything we could to induce her in time."
"Fear is a powerful motivator." Bridget sighed. "As a scientist, I should encourage this experiment, but as a friend, I'm conflicted. Darlene can probably wait the additional six months and still transition successfully. She's Toven's granddaughter, so her immortal genetics are strong. That being said, I don't want to recommend waiting and bear the responsibility for her not making it."
"That's precisely the position I am in. Bottom line, do you think it will work?"
"It should, but it's not guaranteed. On the other hand, nothing will happen if it doesn't work. Darlene just won't transition, but at least you will know that you've done everything you could."
"That's how I think about it too."
"Is Darlene willing, though?"
"She's not crazy about the idea, but Max and I figured out a way to do that with minimal involvement on his part, and she's semi-comfortable with that."
Bridget chuckled. "I don't need to hear the details. Good luck to you all. Let me know how it goes."
"I will. Thanks, doc."
Marcel sat next to Sofia in the backseat of the minivan, but without Julian, they had plenty of space. Not that it made a difference either way. He could have been on another continent as far as emotional closeness was concerned.
She hated it.