Page 32 of Dark Gambit: The Play
So far, Sofia hadn't noticed the tablet next to Julian. The camera was pointed at her, so Kian and Turner could see and hear the interrogation, but the screen was black, so she couldn't see them. Julian wore an earpiece, so if they had any questions, he could ask them.
"My community is not big." Sofia seemed to be surprised by her own answer.
"How many people live in your community?"
Was Toven using compulsion? Marcel could feel the compulsion before, but not now.
She seemed reluctant but answered anyway. "Several hundred."
"What else can you tell us about it?" Toven asked. When she didn't answer, he added, "Is it hidden?"
She looked at him as if she didn't understand the question. "I don't know what you mean."
Toven leaned forward. "I mean, how can a community of several hundred people be hidden? Do you live underground? Is it camouflaged to look like something else? Maybe ruins? How is it possible for people living in the area not to know about it?"
"It's partially underground, but most of it is above ground. It's located in a densely wooded, remote area that is not accessible by vehicles and barely accessible on foot. No one has reason to pass through."
Toven leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. "There must be a way to deliver supplies to a community that size, and I bet they don't do it on horseback."
"They don't." She lowered her eyes. "I guess there is a hidden tunnel somewhere."
Marcel was willing to bet that she knew where that tunnel was. She'd already told them that she'd had to come home once a month, and she'd said that she'd driven home. If the place was inaccessible, she must have used a tunnel or a bridge or some well-camouflaged road.
Then again, it was possible that she was picked up from a collection point and taken to the compound blindfolded or in a windowless vehicle.
"Is there a wall around it?" Toven asked.
She nodded.
At the rate they were going, the questioning would take forever. Sofia was reluctant to volunteer information even though it seemed she was now free to do so.
"Why are you resisting?" Toven asked. "I can force the answers out of you, but I'd rather you give them voluntarily."
"I have a family there, and most of the people there are not bad. I don't know what you want to do or why, and if I can help it, I won't endanger my people."
"We would never harm innocents."
She grimaced. "Unless they are collateral damage?"
"Not even one innocent life is collateral damage to us." Toven leveled her with such an intense gaze that she looked away.
"Is Igor a good guy?" Julian asked her.
"Is he terrible?"
She hesitated for a moment. "To some, but not to all. It could be worse."
Toven sighed. "I have a feeling that you don't know how your leader operates. Otherwise, you would be much more critical of him."