Page 17 of Dark Gambit: The Play
Julian snapped on a pair of gloves and motioned for her to lie down. "I need you to take off your leggings."
"Are you going to give me a shot?"
She turned to Marcel. "Can you hold my hand? I hate needles."
"Of course." He took her hand. "Don't look at what Julian is doing. Look at me."
That wasn't a difficult command to follow. Julian was gorgeous, but he was like a beautiful sculpture to her. His perfect features and his pleasant nature didn't affect her.
Marcel was the one who made her heart somersault every time he got near her. Everything about him appealed to her, from his ruggedly handsome physique to his serious, nearly somber attitude. Every time she'd managed to make him smile or laugh, it had felt like an accomplishment.
Would she ever get to see those glimpses of levity again?
The prick of the needle made her cringe, and when the burning started, she squeezed Marcel's hand.
He winced. "I don't like seeing you in pain."
The emotional pain he was causing by withdrawing from her was much worse than the physical one the doctor had inflicted, but to admit it was to give him even more power over her and to lose the little pride she still retained.
"The pain is due to the perforation of the skin," Julian explained. "The liquid activates stretch receptors in the deeper tissues. It will subside in a moment." He pulled out the needle and swiped something cool over it.
She let out a breath. "It doesn't hurt anymore."
"Good," the doctor said. "I'm going to poke you with the needle again in a couple of minutes."
Sofia closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of Marcel's large hand enveloping hers.
"Can you feel this?" Julian asked.
"Good. Let's do it."
As the doctor cut into her skin, she felt pressure but no pain.
"It's out," Julian pronounced. "Easy peasy." He wiped the incision and then put something sticky over it. "I didn't even have to suture it."
Sofia braved a look at her thigh, but there was nothing to see. Julian had covered it with surgical tape.
"Where is the tracking device?" she asked.
He used a pair of tweezers to lift the blood-covered tiny pebble off his surgical tray. "Here is the little devil. I wonder if it was made in China."
"I don't think so." Marcel leaned over her to take a closer look. "That's a sophisticated little sucker."
A knock sounded on the door, and a moment later Eleanor poked her head in. "Can we come in now?"
"Give us a moment," Julian told her and then waved at Sofia. "You can put your pants back on."
"That was easier than I expected." She pulled her leggings on, taking care with the incision area. "Will I feel pain later?"
"I'll give you something for it."
As Julian put the tracker down on the tray, the door opened again, and Eleanor walked in with Leon.
"How did it go?" Eleanor asked.