Page 20 of The Cozy Agreement
“Don’t touch me!” I say a little louder than I planned. “I’m married, and contrary to what you heard, it wasn’t a shotgun wedding. If anything, I tricked Joy into marrying me so I could trap her with a baby!”
My anger is so hot and fast that I don’t realize everyone in the room has turned our way, and the music has stopped. When I finally realize the room has gone silent, I glance around and see Joy standing there in the wedding dress I had Carol make especially for tonight.
She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and when I take a step toward her, I finally notice there are tears in her eyes.
Chapter Thirteen
My heart hammers in my chest. Did North really shout that across the room for the whole town to hear? Everyone is here tonight because no one misses the annual holiday party. At least that’s what Tinsel told me as we got ready.
I was so worried about coming to the party in what could be a wedding dress or an over-the-top winter wonderland ball gown. I knew North and I would already be the center of attention tonight, but Tinsel didn’t back down from me putting the dress on.
Once I had it on and saw myself in the mirror, I didn’t want to take it off. I was a princess, or at least that’s what it felt like. It’s special because North had this made for me, and that made me want to wear it even more.
“Joy.” North steps closer. He’s always handsome, but tonight he’s in a tux and the bowtie makes him downright sexy. “I…ah.” He runs his fingers through his hair, and I can tell he’s flustered. He’s always so put together, but now North isn’t sure what move to make next.
North always knows what he’s doing, and I know that. The reality of that flows through me just like his words do. He didn’t marry me because he thought it would be good on paper or even to keep women from hitting on him. Some women will never care if he is married, at least based on Donna's embarrassed expression. She stands there quietly with the rest of the town, and it seems like they’re all waiting for one of us to do or say something.
“You’re trying to trap me?” I’m fighting back tears thinking that North planned this whole thing. He wanted to marry me because he wants me for himself. Little does he know he never had to trap me. I’ve been his from the moment he offered me the job. When I think back to that first interview and how quickly he got me moved out here, I realize he felt the same.
“Is it really trapping if you’re my wife?” he asks.
“A question with a question. You’re really off your game tonight,” Tinsel says from behind me, and I can hear the smile in her voice. Tinsel isn’t a girly girl, but she was down with getting dressed up with me. That should have clued me in about tonight being more than the Winter Wonderland Dance.
“I’ve never been more on my game,” North fires back at his sister as he offers his hand to me.
Without hesitation, I take it, and he pulls me into him. The second my body is flush against his, he drops his mouth to mine and kisses me in front of everyone. I moan into his mouth, kissing my husband right back, not caring at all that the whole room has their eyes on us.
“You know we’re all still here?” Tinsel says, and I blush.
It’s not that I actually care. I'm more lost in the fact that North doesn’t seem to mind that everyone can see us kissing. I guess he just announced to everyone he’s trying to knock me up, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
“I know where I am,” he tells her, but he’s staring right at me. “I didn’t give my wife a proper wedding. I was in too much of a hurry to get her to marry me once I got her to agree to it.” He says it loud enough for everyone to be able to hear.
“You thought I was going to back out?” Did he really not see how much I loved him? I was sure he caught me staring at him a few times, but I suppose he might have been as clueless as I’ve been about his feelings for me.
“It took me six months to get you to marry me,” he responds, as if that has been a lifetime.
“I only moved here six months ago,” I laugh.
“Your flirt game is terrible,” Tinsel mutters.
“You’re one to talk. How long did you two dance around each other?” I turn to glance her way and see Jack standing behind her. They’ve known each other for years.