Page 22 of Lie (Betrothed 8)
“You’ve been living together for a while, and you still like him?” I dunked the biscotti into the coffee before I took another bite. Coated in espresso, it was even better, the mixture of coffee and sugar.
“Oh, I love him.” Her eyes were filled with emotional sincerity, and she glanced down to stir her coffee with her biscotti, a slight smile on her lips. “At first, I was going to move back to my apartment, but he asked me to stay. I didn’t want to rush things, overstay my welcome, but I love being there with him. I love waking up to him, going to sleep with beside me.”
It was a little weird to hear her describe my brother in that way, but she was my friend before my future sister-in-law, so I didn’t gag or make a disgusted face. “I’m happy for you guys. After all the shit you went through with Liam, you deserve this.”
“Thank you. And I’m glad you approve of me for your brother.”
“Of course. You’re awesome. I mean, I think you might be too good for my brother.”
She laughed as if I’d made a joke. “I know you don’t mean that, but thanks anyway.”
I thought the world of my brother, but I never admitted it. I stirred my coffee and had the last of my biscotti. “Girl, this shit is so good. I can’t wait until I retire so I can get as fat as I want. Just have to find a husband that’ll fuck me the same at my bigger size.” I tried not to think about him, but of course, he got into my mind because that sounded exactly like something he would do. If I had a fatter ass, he would just love having more to squeeze. If my tits were bigger, he’d probably like it. He was such a big guy that I could be any size and he would still be much bigger than me.
“Are you seeing anybody?”
It was a harmless question, but it felt like an interrogation because I had something to hide. My neck felt a little warm at the same time as I could feel the color draining from my cheeks. I cleared my throat and sipped my coffee. “Not really.” It was the truth. I hadn’t met anyone because he’d been bombarding me every place I went. And then we ground against my car last week, and I was still masturbating to the memory.
“Really?” she asked. “I feel like you’ve always got a guy on your hook.”
I had a very big guy on my hook right now. “Just been busy at work…” When I’d threatened to tell Damien, I meant it, and he must’ve believed me because he hadn’t bothered me since I’d driven off. Not seeing him gave me clarity, because getting involved with him really was a mistake. Whenever we were in the same room together, all the hormones, lust, and chemistry fucked up my brain, and I couldn’t think straight. Everything was calm, sensible, and…a little boring.
After we paid the bill, we walked back to her place. We’d just eaten, but Patricia had homemade muffins right out of the oven, so we grabbed a few and went to her suite upstairs. I shouldn’t eat this, but whatever. I scarfed it down so fast.
We went through the bedroom and sat on the patio. “The place looks the same.”
She chuckled. “You should see his closet.”
I laughed. “What about his dressers?”
“Took over those too. And his bathroom.”
I nodded in approval. “That’s how it’s done.” I walked back inside and helped myself to their liquor cabinet. I pulled out a bottle of wine and had just uncorked it when Damien walked inside, wearing jeans and a shirt as if he’d had a casual day at the office. “Do you want a glass?”
“Why are you in my bedroom?” He tossed his keys onto the table as he headed closer.
“Alright, no wine for you…” I poured two glasses then turned around and took a sip.
Damien’s gaze focused out the window, staring at the woman who looked over his balcony. It was a simple look, didn’t last more than a few seconds, but it showed the depth of his feelings, the way he was enamored of that five-foot, petite brunette.
I covered my smile by drinking my wine. “How was your day?”
He turned his gaze back to me and approached me. “Do you really care?” He grabbed the bottle and poured himself a glass.
“You know me. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.”
He shrugged. “It was fine.” He swirled the wine and took a drink.
I glanced at Anna then turned back to him. “She told me how happy she is with you.” I tipped the glass and let the wine slide down my throat as I watched his reaction.
He tried to keep a straight face, but that smile was impossible to control, especially when it entered his eyes. “Yeah?”