Page 75 of Forever (Betrothed 7)
“Subtle…” I marched her in front of me to the bathroom and opened the door for her.
She turned back around. “I can’t wash my hands or remove my clothes.”
I blinked.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“If you aren’t going to cut my rope, what else am I gonna do?”
Yesterday, I was the Skull King, the most formidable guy in this country. Now, I was a babysitter to the most obnoxious woman ever. I think I’d rather watch her try to kill me than do this shit. I grabbed her shoulders and forced her to turn around before I removed the knot. “Make it quick. And if you give me any bullshit when you get out, I’ll give you two black eyes.”
“What a gentleman…” She closed the door behind her and did her business.
I waited outside the door and knew whenever she came out, she would have some trick up her sleeve. Maybe she would put soap on her fingertips then rub them into my eyes so I wouldn’t be able to see. With her, there was really no telling. She was totally unpredictable.
The toilet flushed, and the sink started to run. She did that for at least two minutes, presumably scrubbing her hands and arms to get my blood off. Then the faucet went quiet, and her footsteps were audible as she approached the door.
I sighed. “Here we go…”
She opened the door with force, making it swing out fast until it smacked into the concrete wall behind it. Then she charged me with a plunger.
A dirty, disgusting fucking plunger.
She swung at me, drops from its last use spraying into the air. “Ha!”
I dashed out of the way before an entire civilization of bacteria sprayed all over me.
She kept swinging frantically, looking ridiculous wielding the plunger like a goddamn sword. “Come here!” She swung again and again, getting shit all over the place.
I didn’t want to come near her and get the stench on my clothes, so I continued to duck out of the way. “Woman.” I dodged to the right then came up behind her and smacked the plunger down. “Give it a rest.” I grabbed her arms and secured them behind her back and lifted her from the ground.
She kicked violently. “Put me down.”
I carried her to the cage and pushed her inside. “You just proved you aren’t allowed to come out of this thing.” I shoved her inside and locked the door behind her.
She crashed against the wall and released a groan of disappointment.
I picked up the plunger and came to the door of the cage. “I could spray you good right now.”
She grimaced and covered her face with her hands.
“Keep your mouth shut, or I will.” I returned the plunger to the bathroom then came back. “Eat. I’m not bringing you anything else.”
She pulled the bagel through the bars, along with a bottled water I’d left for her, and leaned against the wall to eat. She stared at me the whole time she enjoyed her breakfast, like she was trying to figure out a Plan B.
There would be no Plan B. “Did you really think that was going to work?”
She shrugged and kept eating. “The Trojan horse worked, didn’t it?”
“The Trojan horse was a genius idea from a great civilization. Not at all comparable to a plunger tirade.” Damien was one of my biggest enemies, someone stupid enough not to submit to my rule of law, but I couldn’t believe I was now thinking he was preferable to this woman. She made him look like a genius.
She kept eating, clearly starving after not having eaten dinner last night. “Do you want to fuck me?” She asked the question so casually, still eating her bagel and cream cheese with blood on her clothes, resembling a vagrant.
I stared at her blankly, unable to believe what she’d just asked. “What?”
She took a large bite and talked with her mouth full. “Do you wanna have sex with me?” she mumbled between her obnoxious chewing. “Like, an exchange. We sleep together, and you let me go.”
I stuck my arms through the cage and leaned against it for support because I couldn’t believe the shit that had just flown out of her mouth. She was more attractive yesterday, but after sleeping in a cage all night, throwing toilet water at me, and talking all the time, I could honestly say sex was the last thing on my mind. “I’m good.”
“A blow job?”
She seemed like someone who wouldn’t resort to those tactics to escape. She had too much respect for herself. “You would really do that?”
She shrugged. “I’ll do anything to survive, anything to save my family, so judge me all you want. I don’t give a damn.”
And just like that, so quickly, my opinion of her changed—for the better.
The offer wasn’t the least bit appealing. “No thanks.”