Page 31 of Forever (Betrothed 7)
He pulled his shirt over his head, eager to get his clothes off the second he wasn’t entertaining. A lean body of muscle that rippled with his movements was visible. His tanned skin was kissable, beautiful. He tossed the t-shirt on one of the chairs then removed his jeans in the closet. When he came back out, he was in a pair of black sweatpants. “I knew you’d appreciate the company.” He moved to the couch and sat down, his arms stretching across the back in both directions.
“You invited them here for me?”
He gave a slight shrug. “I thought you could spend time with Sofia. I know you get lonely home alone.”
“That was sweet.”
“I mean, I see Hades all fucking day. The last thing I want to do is talk to that guy.”
I knew he was kidding, so I smiled. “Your father asked if I wanted to play chess with him tomorrow.”
“Yeah? He’s pretty good.”
“I’m pretty good too.” I moved toward the couch and stopped when I stood over him.
“But he’s old. All he ever does it play chess. He’s got a lot more experience than you do.”
“Experience isn’t everything.” I sat on the couch beside him. “Do you play?”
“Not often. But yes.”
“Did he teach you?”
He nodded. “Catalina is really good. She usually beats me.”
“Wow. I’m surprised you would admit that.”
“I’m not intimidated when a woman beats me at something.”
A soft smile spread across my lips.
He continued to stare at the fire, his jawline sprinkled with a shadow. His thin lips were kissable in the firelight. His eyes reflected the dancing flames, making his bronzed skin glow like he was a god. “Why don’t you join us?”
“Because I work for a living.”
“Well, why don’t we have dinner with your family tomorrow?”
“You want to subject yourself to that? I’m still annoyed with Catalina.”
“She’s your sister. Let it go.” I scooted close into his side, wanting to snuggle his hard body.
Once he felt me touch him, his body tensed, as if it affected him as much as it affected me. His hand moved into my hair, touching me like I was his.
I stared into his face with my mouth close to his. His cologne was addictive, the smell of a real man. My hand slowly slid to his stomach, stroking that hard surface like a tabletop before I slid upward. My fingers grazed over his hard muscles, over his concrete chest, and moved up his neck until my fingers touched his soft cheek.
His gaze hardened as he felt me touch him, felt me touch him in a way I hadn’t for almost a year. His fingers froze in my hair as he waited for something to happen, as he prayed he would get what he wanted. He couldn’t hide the expression in his eyes, that he hoped tonight would be the night something more would happen, that we would do more than combine our hands together.
My fingers slid to the corner of his mouth as I stared at his lips, as I treasured this quiet moment with the man I loved. My heart beat for him as much as it ever had. I still dreamed of him, even when he was right next to me. Something told me he loved me in a way Liam never had, even at our best. Damien had hurt me before, but he wouldn’t do it again.
I leaned in and pressed my mouth to his, feeling the fire leap higher in my throat. The skin of our mouths immediately stuck together at the embrace, like two magnets finding each other. I closed my eyes and treasured the contact, the way I felt so much with so little.
His lips didn’t move, as if he wanted to see what I would do before he kissed me the way he wanted.
My fingers cupped his cheek, and I kissed him again, pressing his bottom lip with purposeful intensity.
He still didn’t respond, but his breathing increased.
“Kiss me, Damien…”
He inhaled a deep breath before his fingers fisted a big chunk of hair and he pulled me tighter into him, kissing me harder. His mouth held mine delicately, but also with barely restrained passion. Between every kiss was a definitive pause, as if he wanted to treasure every step of this dance. He turned his head the other way to kiss me differently, to feel the other side of my mouth with the same desire. His fingers dug deeper, and his kisses became harder, more consuming.
It felt right…like always.
His lips parted mine before his tongue slipped inside. He moved until he felt mine, our tongues touching each other like two clouds bumping in the sky. He breathed deep into me, sharing his oxygen with me, and then he kissed me again…and again.
I couldn’t remember the last time we’d kissed like this. The balcony at the charity event came to mind, but it was over so quickly that I never got to really enjoy it. But tonight, it was beautiful the way it used to be, deep, powerful, and spiritual. My fingers glided to the back of his neck, and I pulled at the short strands of his dark hair. A moan escaped my mouth, so quiet that I doubted he could hear it.