Page 13 of Forever (Betrothed 7)
“That’s the perfect place to grab you.”
“In a public place?” she asked incredulously. “When there are people around? Security? Cameras?”
“That’s not gonna stop him. It wouldn’t stop me.”
“Well, I think—”
“All he has to do is point a gun at Sofia, and you’ll cooperate.”
Her argument diminished from her gaze instantly. “So, I have to quit my job? That I love?”
“No. I’m sure Sofia will let you work from home.”
“That’s still a lot to ask. I haven’t even been working there a year…”
“She’ll understand.”
“I don’t want to take advantage of her generosity.”
“That’s not how she’ll see it,” I said gently.
“And what am I going to do here?”
I shrugged. “You can pick up my underwear.”
That made her burst with a chuckle.
I liked seeing that carefree expression, seeing that glow in her eyes. It reminded me of old times, when it was just the two of us and we were free. “You could hang out with my father.”
“Oh yeah. I forgot he lived here. I haven’t seen him.”
“He stays in his room.”
“And I’ve stayed in mine…”
“I know you don’t want to be cooped up, but I don’t see a way around it.”
“But every time I see Liam, you’re putting me at a huge disadvantage. I’m fighting to disarm, not kill, but that’s not the case for him. And while I’m strong, I’m not Batman.”
The light left her gaze as she dropped her eyes.
“And if it really comes down to it—and I have no choice—I’m not going to let him take my life. I love you and want us to be together, but losing my life so he could take you away isn’t worth it to me.”
“I understand.”
At least we were on the same page.
I returned to eating my dinner, out of ammunition to keep the conversation going.
She didn’t have anything to say either, probably because this problem hung over her like a cloud.
It hung heavy over me too. “I hope you stop barricading yourself in your bedroom…because I would like to see you.”
She turned back to me, affection in her gaze. “That was lonely, so I don’t think I’ll do that anymore.”
Spring was in full force, bringing a distinct warmth that melted the frost on all the sidewalks. But since I was inside most of the time, I sat in front of the fire while I worked on my laptop. My bedroom didn’t have a balcony, and I assumed Damien had put me in there for that very reason.
My phone rang on the cushion beside me, and I grabbed it with the assumption it was Damien or Sofia.
But it was Liam.
I’d been here for a week without seeing his name on my screen. I knew my time of peace was limited and this call was unavoidable. Instead of ignoring it, I accepted the call, knowing it would be worse if I brushed him off. I answered wordlessly, not sure what to say after our last conversation.
He didn’t raise his voice, but his tone was so menacing, so frightening. “You’re living with him now?”
So, he was watching me, deducing my whereabouts by stalking. “It’s not what you think—”
“I’m sure it’s exactly what I think, Anna.” His voice was frostbitten.
“What did you expect me to do? You threatened to take me…whatever that means.”
“I expected you to have more class than fucking Loverboy right away.”
“You mean the kind of class when you fucked someone else while we were married? Twice?” I was sick of him twisting the story, using my relationship with Damien to justify every bad decision he’d made. Fuck no, I wasn’t putting up with that shit. “I’m staying in a different guest room. Sometimes we share dinner together, but for the most part, I don’t see him.”
“You expect me to believe that when you’re a fucking liar?”
“We’re never getting back together, so why would I care about sparing your feelings?” I asked. “I’m telling you the truth because I have no reason to lie. I’m not going to jump into bed with someone else when I’m still hurt by what you did. That’s not fair to him.”
“So, it sounds like you care more about Loverboy’s feelings than mine.”
“He’s the one protecting me, so I guess so.”
“Protecting you?” he asked, his voice rising.
“Yes. From whatever you plan to do.”
“My plan is to get my wife back.”
“Well, I’m not your wife, and I don’t want to be with you. So, that sounds like a pretty scary threat.”
He was quiet as he breathed over the phone, his rage audible in the silence. “You think you’re safe in there?”
“Yes. Otherwise, you would have gotten to me by now.” I felt stupid provoking him like that, but I was tired of this torment. It made me understand that Damien had a valid point, that this wasn’t going to end until one of them was dead—and it shouldn’t be Damien…whose only crime was loving me.