Page 18 of Sweetest Awareness (Cruelest Oblivion Duet)
“Holy crap,” I breathe. “How are we going to beat an army of robots?”
“We plan on taking down the building where your dad works. We’re hoping if there’s no one to give orders, the insensates will stand down.”
“And if they don’t?”
Chance shrugs. “Then we fight.”
“I need to learn how to shoot.” I dig in the bag and pull out a bottle of water. After taking a sip, I ask, “So we’re sneaking into the haven?”
He shakes his head. “That’s only a front. The real laboratories are situated a couple of blocks away from the haven, but a tunnel connects the two buildings.”
“How do you know all of this?”
“Ethan and your father leaked the information to us.”
Hope spills into my chest. “So my dad wants to stop what’s happening?”
“Yes. After my father was killed and I was sent out, he started reaching out to us.”
“He’d sneak out to the rebels and leave messages with them.”
My eyes widen because I never thought Dad was so brave. It heals some of the heartache in my chest, and a proud smile curves my lips.
At least I still have Dad.
“Do you know why the emissaries are doing this? Why not just let the people live in peace?”
Chance shrugs again. “Fuck knows. I assume they want complete control over everyone. To create a world, they deem perfect.”
“That’s insane and selfish,” I mutter. I glance over the hill to the lining of trees. “Then again, things aren’t much better here.”
“How so?”
I let out a sigh. “Women are a minority species. In the ecocity, we’re controlled for breeding purposes, and out here, we live in fear of being raped. It’s a man’s world. We’re nothing more than possessions.”
And I don’t like it one bit.
“I’ll keep you safe,” Chance assures me.
Shaking my head, I meet his eyes. “It’s not just about me, Chance. What about the other women? Dawn. Raze. Valen. All the others don’t have someone watching their back twenty-four-seven.”
“It sucks, but there’s not much we can do about it. Not while men outrank women hundreds to one.”
I lift my chin, not willing to accept that. “That’s no reason. Honestly, women should be treated like the rare treasures they are.” I shake my head hard. “We should run the world.”
Chance tilts his head, his gaze searching mine. “For that to happen, all the women will have to stand together.”
I think over his words, then nod. “After the war, I’ll find a way to make that happen.”
“You plan on ruling the world?” he chuckles, but it doesn’t sound condescending.
“Not just me.” The corner of my mouth lifts. “All the women. I just want to make it a better place for us to live in.”
Chance’s eyes warm. “That’s a courageous idea.”
I roll my eyes at him. “I’m not courageous at all.”
Lifting a hand, he wraps his fingers around the back of my neck and tugs me closer. “You are. In some ways, you’re braver than me, little one.”
As his lips find mine, his words settle deep in my heart, giving me the strength I need to get through tomorrow and whatever comes after that.
Chapter 9
We return to the ward at the crack of dawn, and while Chance goes to talk with someone named Quinlan about Warrick’s death, I head to the bathroom to relieve my bladder and wash my face.
Chance assured me he’s not in trouble. There’s nothing more important than saving a woman's life, so he won’t be punished for the life he ended.
It also confirms what I’m thinking. Women are the most important thing next to food, water, and air. We should use it to our advantage and create a world that’s safe for all of us. I just need to find a way of making it happen.
After I’m done freshening up, I decide to check out the drill zone. I don’t want to slack on my training while we’re here.
Spending alone time with Chance last night was amazing, but now it’s time to return to reality. I need to work hard, because come hell or high water, I will become strong so people will respect me. I’m done being a punching bag and pushover.
Heading down the middle passage, I find the archway that opens to the drill zone. When I step inside, my lips part, and a gasp escapes me.
Damn, it’s massive.
The pathway wrapping around the outside of the arena is broad, enough for a group of people to run at once. Getting to work, I jog slowly to warm my muscles while I take in my surroundings.
The floor in the middle of the arena is covered with obstacles. Lots of bags with balls spilling from them cover the one corner where cabinets line the wall. The weapons are probably in the cabinets.
As soon as Chance returns, I’m asking him to give me shooting lessons.
There are hand bars to swing from and tires to jump through, as well. I look at the wall-to-wall safety net and scowl because the outer ward didn’t have that to stop our fall from the scaffolds.