Page 10 of Sweetest Awareness (Cruelest Oblivion Duet)
Chapter 5
The park next to the pool is comprised of a big lawn with trees lining the one side. Fallen tree stumps form a crooked circle around a piece of ground where a fire is burning.
I glance at the people sitting around the fire. A man plays a guitar, and for a moment, I watch him before my attention is pulled away by a sharp shriek from a woman.
Water splashes from the pool onto the grass, and a man roars with laughter as he carries a struggling half-naked woman and throws her into the pool.
Her scream is swallowed by the water, and a moment later, her head pops through the surface, laughter bubbling over her lips.
It feels peaceful and fun out here, and I search for a place to sit.
“You can pack quite a punch for such a little thing,” a woman says behind me. I turn around, and seeing Morgan, my muscles tense.
Her brown eyes sweep over me. “Chance tells me Kenzo trained you at first.”
When I don’t say anything, she continues, “Kenzo is a sweetheart. Why did you swap leaders?”
She’s beautiful. Her shirt doesn’t have any sleeves or straps, the material clinging to her chest as if it has been made to fit her. It’s a glimmering, golden fabric that draws your eyes to the curve of her breasts.
I can’t wear something like that. Like Warrick said, you need a search party to find my breasts.
I cross my arms over my chest as I reply, “Chance chose me.”
It feels good to say it.
“You could’ve asked Kenzo to keep you. Didn’t Chance tell you that?”
What is she up to?
Not wanting another fight on my first day here, I opt for the saver answer. “I’m happy with Chance.”
“I’m sure you are. He was good to me too.”
I frown, an uneasy feeling settling in my stomach. “What does that mean?”
“He really goes above and beyond to teach you the right way.”
Oh, woman. I’m not above slapping you.
“What are you trying to say?” I snap. I’ve passed hate and gone straight to loathing this girl.
She smirks at me. “Enjoy him while you can. Newbie season only lasts so long, then he’ll come back to me.”
I watch her walk away, hips swaying, and I wish they would sway her right off her damn feet.
I slump down on a nearby log and stare at the dancing flames.
Was Morgan just trying to get under my skin, or is there truth to what she said?
You don’t know her. Don’t feed into her words.
Chance has proven himself to you. Things are good between you, so don’t let another woman ruin it.
Someone sits down next to me, and I glance up to see it’s Chance. His eyes drift over my face. “You okay?”
I nod but needing time alone, I stand up. “Everything’s fine. I’m going to visit some of the stores. I’ll see you later.”
“Don’t wander too far,” he calls after me.
Minutes later, I find myself standing outside Dawn’s store. She’s the only other person I know here.
Well, Raze is here as well, but she’s vanished.
Dawn opens the door, giving me a friendly smile. “Why are you standing outside? Come in.” Her smile wavers when she sees the bruise on my cheek. “Rough afternoon?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” I grin because there’s just something about Dawn that makes me feel better. “You don’t know where I can get new clothes? Maybe a haircut and a new personality while I’m at it?”
She lets out a chuckle as she grabs a bag, then wags her eyebrows at me. “I’m always available to help with a makeover. And you, honey,” she throws her arm around my shoulders and pushes me toward the door, “are in desperate need of some tender, loving care.”
I won’t argue with that.
As we walk down the street, she asks, “So what happened?”
I shrug, letting out a tired breath. “An impromptu training session with a man named Warrick.”
Dawn pulls a disgusted face. “He’s bad news.”
“Yeah, I figured as much.” A smile curves my lips. “But I won the fight.”
Her eyebrow lifts, and she stops to stare at me. “You kicked Warrick's ass?”
I nod, pride filling my chest. I show her my bruised knuckles.
Dawn smiles at me, even looking proud. “That’s my girl.” She high-fives me. “This calls for a celebration after we’re done with your makeover.”
We cross the street and enter a store filled with all kinds of clothes. I walk over to the shimmery ones.
“Gerald!” Dawn shouts.
I glance over my shoulder as a short man comes out of the back. He walks funny as if he’s trying to imitate a girl, and when he talks, I can’t keep my grin back.
“Dawnie, babelicious!” They hug then his eyes lock on me. “Oooh, what do we have here?” He looks me over from head to toe. “Girl, you’re hurting my eyes. Mama-Gerald’s gonna fix you right on up.” He snaps his fingers in the air, from side to side.