Page 7 of Delicate Dame
“You’re telling me.”
We quickly get dressed and leave the building in a rush before heading out for dinner at our favorite salad bar. We spend the next hour mostly in silence as we pick at our food, my encounter with the guy at the theatre still fresh in our minds and slightly worrisome because not just anyone has access to the building. Their security is tight. Which means he must work there. The thought sends a fearful shiver down my spine.
The drive into Delaware takes about an hour and a half, and I’m pissed the entire time. Seeing Mila isn’t high on my priority list, especially after just meeting Scotlyn. I’m keeping enough secrets from her; I don’t need one more. Thankfully, Dad has done a lot of the grunt work for me, so my job is to get her into her house to grab her belongings and secure her at another location after meeting with the detective assigned to her.
I should only be here a few days, and then I can hug my little girls again, and hopefully, convince Scotlyn to let me kiss her some more because not doing so would likely kill me. I never gave much credence to the things my parents said about instant love. Not after Mila. We were never in love, just having a good time. The girls were a surprise neither of us was prepared for, but we gave it a shot for them.
I thought the girls and I were getting along well as a small family, but after meeting Scotlyn, I can see we’ve been missing a woman’s touch. But not just any woman. The right woman. Scotlyn is the one I want. I’ll do anything to ensure I don’t fuck this up with her.
Parking in the hotel lot, I climb out, searching my surroundings as I grab my duffel bag from the back seat. Nothing appears out of place as I stroll towards the room number I was given. Knocking three times, the door flies open, and I suffer a moment of regret when I see Mila’s bruised face and broken nose.
“Jax,” she sighs like we’re long-lost lovers.
“Mr. Slade,” I correct her. I’m not falling into any old patterns with her. “Mrs. Winters, if we could step inside.” My voice is cold as I move forward and she moves back, closing the door behind me. I see two beds in the room, with a compact table and chairs in one corner. A TV sets on the dresser, and a single door leads to the bathroom.
“Jax, we don’t have to–"
“Mr. Slade,” I repeat. I won’t budge on that. While I respect Mila for knowing she couldn’t give our girls the mother they deserved, it doesn’t mean I have to like her.
She sighs and plops on the bed, a pout on her swollen lips. “Fine. Mr. Slade, I was simply stating that we don’t have to be so formal. We know each other; we share chi–"
I stop her. “No, Mrs. Winters, we don’t share children.Ihave children. You don’t. You gave up that right, and this is the very last I’ll speak of them. Do you understand?”
Her eyes roll, and I can tell it doesn’t bother her one bit to not bring them up again. “Yes, Mr. Slade, I understand.”
Nodding, I begin securing the modest room. Door locked, windows locked, curtains closed.
“Do you even want to know what happened?” she asks as I pull out my laptop.
“My job is to secure you at a new location after making sure you gather your belongings. The detectives will have a safe house ready for you in two days. That’s all I need to know.” Pulling up my email, I read through the file I was given again to ensure I hadn’t missed any details.
“Seriously?” Her foot stomps, drawing my attention.
Closing the device, I blow out a frustrated breath. Remaining professional in any job is essential, but she obviously wants to push the boundaries.
“You were told that if I took this job, there would be nothing personal between us. We are not friends, we are not co-parents, we are complete strangers, Mrs. Winters. And it will remain this way unless you’d rather I left. In which case, I’ll call the detective, and he can babysit you.” Her body tenses as I stand. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to order us dinner and make a call. Please do not come out of this room or peek out the windows.” I don’t wait for her to answer me as I leave.
Leaning against the hood of my SUV, three doors down from her room, I order a couple of pizzas and give Scotlyn that call I promised.
“Hey, you!” She sounds out of breath, and all I can picture is her dancing again. “You made it safely?”
“I did.” I grind my jaw. I’m frustrated about this entire situation. “What are you up to?” Anything is better than what I'm doing.
“Well, I can’t tell you that. But you’ll see in a few minutes.” Her giggle has me standing up taller.
“That so? And just what will I see?” I’m intrigued.
“If you hung up, you’d see,” she taunts, and I’m damn tempted.
“I’d rather hear your voice right now.” I’d rather she be in my arms if I’m completely honest. “I’d like to hear you moaning my name. Breathing heavily in my ear, squirming in my arms.”Fuck,why did I just do that to myself?
I’m a glutton for punishment, apparently.
“Oh, wow, Jaxson.” The way she sighs my name makes my dick stand at attention.
“Tell me what you’re up to, sunshine,” I demand with a little more force in my tone.