Page 5 of Delicate Dame
“Did you get an email this morning?” he finally asks as he finishes watering the horse.
“Yeah. I haven’t read it, though.” Pulling it up, I open it and see it’s an out-of-state request. My father was a mercenary for years before he found Deedee. After that, he and Uncle Casey started a private security firm. I followed them into the life after attending the police academy and spending four years on the streets and another two in a gang unit.
That all changed when Mila became pregnant with the girls.
“Sit down, Jaxson.” For the first time in my life, my father looks every bit his age.
I do as he requests, lowering myself onto one of the work benches. “What’s going on, Dad?”
Running a weathered hand down his face, he takes a seat next to me, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees before speaking. “I got a call last week. A young woman got into a bad marriage when she was guilt-ridden and feeling vulnerable.” He stares over at me, and I see something is eating at him.
“Okay, so we get her out,” I say. That’s nothing new. I’ve done it plenty of times before. New identities, new locations, new lives. Letting the past go sucks, but gaining freedom is worth every sacrifice.
“I know, son. I know.” He blows out a deep breath. “It’s Mila, Jaxson. Mila needs your help.”
I’m covered in sweat, can barely breathe, and I’m sure I’ve lost my weight in bodily fluids, but I feel alive. For the first time in a year, I’m inspired. Recreating the Goddess of Flowers with a modern twist is emotional and draining. But I’m wide awake and ready to continue.
“Take a break, Scotty. You’re going to kill me.” Libby pants across the stage as she tries to stay on her feet while drinking a bottle of water.
My role is to bring Mother Nature back to life at the dawn of a new day with the help of Goddess Eos—or Aurora as she is often referred to in Roman mythology—which is Libby’s part. Together, we are the stars of the show. No matter how long or short the performance, we always give it our absolute best.
“I know, but can’t you see it,Aurora?” I dance without music. “The blossoming of flowers. The changing of colors. Winter to spring to summer. New life.” I get lost in the movements as I twirl around the studio, music playing that only I can hear.
My passion for the art of ballet is unmatched by anything else in my life. The freedom I get from flowing effortlessly, absorbing the feelings of the characters I portray, living in their skin as the world has seen, makes my blood pump harder than anything else.
“Earth to Scotlyn!” I hear Libby's voice and realize she must have called me multiple times.
“What?” I’m even more out of breath now.
“You’ve got a call.” She walks over to me with a smug smile on her face as she hands me my phone, and she has me on video.
“That was fucking beautiful.” Jaxson’s face is filled with an emotion I don’t fully recognize.
“Thank you,” I murmur, brushing my drenched hair away from my face. I know I’m red and look a mess, but this is how I am about eighty percent of my life. It’s hard to hide. “I didn’t expect you to call yet.” My gaze flicks up to the clock on the wall, and I’m shocked at the time.
“I told you I would this afternoon. It’s almost three.” Noticing the background, I can tell he’s in his vehicle.
“What are you doing?” Placing the phone against my bag as I sit down to get a drink, I can feel his eyes caressing me as if he were here.
“Well, after just witnessing the way you danced, I’m fucking pissed to have to tell you this.”
“Tell me what?” He swears a lot.
“I’m headed out of town on a job.” He doesn’t sound pleased about it.
Neither am I if I’m honest. “Oh.”
“Awe, shit, don’t do that to me, sunshine. I wouldn’t leave if it weren’t important.”
I don’t know why I’m upset. It was one date. One. Date. Maybe if I keep repeating it, I’ll believe it. One evening withJaxson was so much more than I ever imagined it could be. We connected in a way I’ve never experienced before.
“Do you know when you’ll be back?” I plaster a smile on my face.
“I wish I could give you a firm date. But I just don’t know yet.” I’m not even sure what it is he does for a living. “I was hoping we could have a virtual date tomorrow night, though.”