Page 3 of Delicate Dame
Saint is a replica of our father, only I think he’s deadlier. I've heard the stories of Daddy when he first met Mom and after. The psychopath with a heart. I’m not sure Saint has one, though, except for Lake. She’s his salvation. If only they could get together.
“And what is it your uncle does?”
Talking about what my family is into isn’t something I’ve ever had to do before. I know that as soon as he hears the name, he’ll recognize who I am. Who Itrulyam, and he’ll likely run. I thought I wanted that at first, but I’m starting to like Jaxson. He’s sweet, funny, and without saying the words, I can tell he’s a family man.
Maybe it would be better if he did know because I don’t consider myself any of those things, and I don’t want to ruin him.
“Something with imports and exports,” I respond, playing clueless. My family used to run guns, sell drugs, and I believe they even had a brothel once, but I’m not certain. What they do now is so much more important, however. Nobody has any idea how many women they’ve saved from domestic abuse with their underground operations.
“Sounds like fun.” Jaxson’s tone is droll.
“I think boring is the word you’re looking for.” I try to laugh. After a minute of silence, the server reappears to take our order. Jaxson orders a steak and all the fixings while I get a chef’s salad and soup.
With our opening next week, I need to watch my weight. Any deviance in it, and I could throw the entire performance off-balance.
“What do you like to do for fun, Scotlyn?” The way he says my name, rolling off his tongue with a hint of arousal, nearly makes me shiver.
“It’s going to sound silly.”
“Try me.” He leans forward.
“Fishing.” Chewing on my bottom lip, I watch, fascinated, as his eyes follow and remain steady until his hand lifts. Cupping my jaw, his thumb slowly rolls my lip out of my mouth, rubbing along the flesh. Without thinking, my tongue dips out to moisten the path he just took. A low growl emanates from Jaxson, and when he stands abruptly and slides in beside me—boxing me into the booth—my heart pounds heavily in my chest.
“Ain’t nothing wrong with fishing,” he replies, but his eyes are still focused on my lips, and I lick them again. Before I know it, his mouth captures mine. One hand touches my thigh, with his fingers playing at the hem of my dress, while the other cups the back of my head.
I’ve never been kissed with such raw passion before. My body lights up for this man I barely know and breathing becomes difficult. He pulls me closer, holds me tighter, and when I feel like I have a handle on him, he stuns me by gliding his hand along my thigh, his fingers gripping my upper leg with such possession.
“Jaxson,” I gasp his name, forcing myself to pull away so I can draw in a full breath. “Jaxson, wait, please.” His lipscontinue moving along my jaw, down my neck. But he stops, resting his head on my shoulder and breathing heavily.
“I’m sorry,” he groans, drawing back but not letting me go. “Fucking hell.” I stare at his face, seeing lust in his gaze. “I should have had better control.” I hear the regret in his tone.
“I liked it, Jaxson. A lot. But I’m not that kind of girl. I don’t do sex on the first date. Heck, I don’t normallykisson the first date. You bring something out in me, however. I want to push my boundaries with you, but I don’t want to lose myself, either. Not again.” Blowing out a breath, I wait for him to say something.
He nods but doesn’t release me. “I’ll be honest. From the second I saw you, I knew you were different. Kissing you only confirms it. It’s been a long-ass time since I’ve been anywhere near a woman I’ve cared about.” The server interrupts, placing our food on the table. Without a word, she’s gone, sensing the tense moment. “I want us to go further than one night, Scotlyn. Tell me you do too.” I nod definitively.
I might have been dreading this date, but I’m glad I came. I needed this. I needed to reconnect passion with romance, sweetness, and intensity, without being violent. Jaxson is the precise type of man to remind me that the world isn’t as screwed up as I sometimes believe.
“Good. We can eat and talk at length because the more I learn about you now will make it easier to convince you to go on another date with me.” He winks with a cocky grin before returning to his side of the table.
The rest of dinner goes on without a hitch. We control our attraction as we share dessert and coffee while laughing at some of the stories he shares with me from his childhood. I’m not quite as ready to get that personal about my family yet. So many individuals have heard the name and automatically believe they’re terrible people. They aren’t. My dad and uncles can bescary, have done things they’ll never speak of to us girls, but, at their core, they’re good men. They raised the boys to be good men, too.
My dad and Saint are whom I measure all guys up to. Jaxson is the only one who’s ever stood a chance with them. So far, anyways.
After taking care of the bill, Jax escorts me outside with a hand on my back. Handing the valet our tickets, we stand off to the side and wait.
“I had a lovely evening with you, Jaxson.” I gaze up at him, realizing now how much taller he is than me. My neck will kink if I have to look up at him all the time.
Brushing the hair back from my face, he leans down, kissing me again. Slower this time but no less intense. The desire bubbles beneath the surface as we pull apart. My car is swiftly parked in front of us, and he walks me to the driver’s door before opening it for me. Settled in the seat, he buckles my belt, and my belly quivers from the chivalrous act.
“Call me when you get home.” It’s not a question but a command.
“Okay.” I don’t know what else to say. He takes my mouth again. Harder this time, as if to imprint his touch on me. I sigh when he pulls away, stands, and closes the door. With one last look at him, I pull away.
Driving home in a fog of pure joy, I notice the living room light on and know that Libby is waiting up for me. I park, grab my clutch, and rush inside, quietly closing the door, but she still hears me.
“I have coffee or wine at the ready. You need to tell me everything!” she gushes from the couch where she’s wrapped up in a blanket, a book in her lap.
“In a minute.” Pulling out my phone on my way to my room, I do as I promised and call Jaxson. Dropping back on my bed, wetalk until he arrives home, only saying goodnight because Libby is standing in my doorway waiting to hear all about our night.