Page 20 of Delicate Dame
Following Dad out of the room, I glimpse Saint and Easton through the front screen door in the glow of the porch light as we walk to the family room.
“Oh, you look much better.” Jax’s mom grins as she comes over, holding out a hand. “You must be hungry. What can I make you?”
“I’m okay.” Her kind smile reminds me so much of my mom.
“No, you’re not,” Daddy barks. “You just said you were hungry.” I am, but it was only an excuse to get out of bed. His arms are crossed as he stands next to Jax’s dad, Dom. I never thought I’d meet a man as intimidating as my father, but I think the elder Slade just might be.
“Okay, fine, but only if it’s no trouble.” I smile at Dee, and she glows.
“Not at all. I made loads of food with Evie today, so there’s plenty to choose from, or perhaps you want something lighter? Pasta is probably too much right now. More soup, maybe?” She starts rummaging through the cupboards before Dom grips her shoulders and whispers something in her ear that has her biting her lip and blushing.
My parents are the same way, and it’s humbling to witness a love so strong at their ages. “How about a grilled cheese and some tomato soup?” Dee finally glances back at me as she straightens her shirt while Dominic smirks down at her.
“That sounds perfect.” As she busies herself doing that, I finally take notice of who’s missing and bite my lip. I want to ask whereheis, but I don’t know if I should be.
“He’s on his way.” Dom seems to read my mind. “Something came up, and he was held back in Baltimore longer than he planned.”
“Thank you.”
Dad holds out his phone for me to take, and I wander into the living room to sit on the overstuffed sofa in front of the bay window. I dial Mom while watching Saint and Easton work on the computer, their faces set in stone as they concentrate.
“Carver? Is our daughter okay?” Her anguished voice brings tears to my eyes.
“Hi, Mama.”
“Oh, baby girl!” My eyes sting as I fight not to cry. “How are you? Did they catch him yet?”
“Better. I feel better. But I don’t think they have. Daddy hasn’t said anything.” He would have told me if they had.
“Are you coming home with the boys then? I miss you so much.” She asks me this almost every time we talk. I don’t think she’ll ever stop until I move back.
“I miss you too, Mama.” My gaze shifts to the barn where Jax and the girls live before glancing at the door where his little cherubs are sleeping. “I don’t know yet.” I feel a connection to Jaxson. He could be something special to me, and I want to explore that.
Her sigh is heavy with knowledge. “He’s the one, isn’t he?” Laughing because she always knows me so well. “If he is, then you owe it to yourself to give it your best. Especially given that Daddy tells me he has two beautiful twins who are already smitten with you.”
“I’m quite fond of them as well. They’re so sweet and inquisitive. You’d love them.” Headlights bounce down the driveway, and I get to my feet, hurrying to the door before they’re here. “I have to go, Mama. I’ll call tomorrow.”
“Alright, dear, I love you.” I’ll never tire of hearing her say that.
“Love you too.” Hanging up, I put the phone on a table and rush outside, forgetting that I’m only wearing one of Jaxson’s shirts and nothing else.
“Get back inside, Scotty,” Saint demands, but I ignore him as I make a beeline to the vehicle where I know Jaxson is.
I don’t know why, but it feels urgent that I reach him. “What are you doing out here?” he asks as he exits the passenger side.
My emotions bubble over as the last few days catch up to me, and I fling myself at him. Jumping into Jax’s embrace, he holds me close to his chest, with one arm wrapped around my back and the other cradling my head.
“You should be in bed.” His words are softer this time as I shake my head no. “Christ, you feel good in my arms.” Smiling at the compliment, I squeeze him a little closer. “I have to tell you something.” The shift in his voice has me leaning back, and I see from the look on his face that it’s not good. “Ask Ma to watch the girls, Gracin?” His question is directed at his sister, who grins behind her hand as she waves at me, mouthing,we’ll talk later.
“They’re asleep.” His smile warms his eyes as he gazes down at me. I can feel him walking, and when I notice he’s moving away from the house and towards the barn loft, my body grows tight with anticipation.
Despite everything going on, my feelings for Jaxson continue to grow and linger. He’s only proving he’s precisely the kind of man I’ve always wanted as my own. The kidnapping sharpened my desire. Showed me what it is that I truly want and that wasting time waiting for something bad to happen isn’t going to help.
I wasn’t able to pay much attention the last time I was in here but seeing the beautiful creatures that Jax and the girls live above is humbling. Three heads pop out to watch us as Jax carries me upstairs.
Closing the door behind us, he walks into a room lit by moonlight shining through the massive window overlooking the land behind the building. “It’s even more beautiful than the picture you sent me,” I whisper in awe as he allows me to slip free of his hold.
My ribs twinge, and my feet sting, but nothing could distract me from the starlit sky and romantic setting.