Page 17 of Delicate Dame
I get it; I get him. If the things that have happened to Scotlyn happened to Gracin, I’d be just as likely ready to kill as him. In fact, I’ve done the very same. Men tend to steer clear of herbecause she’s the only female in the family. My cousins and I can be formidable.
“Daddy?” Bethany pulls on my pant leg. Picking her up, I brush the stray hairs away from her face and smile at her worried expression. “Will our goddess be okay?”
Glancing into the other room, I see Saint sitting on the bed next to her. “Yeah, I think she’ll be just fine.” Peering back, I notice Bellamy standing up and watching us, too, riveted to my answer. “Hey, how about the two of you draw Scotlyn a picture? I bet that’ll make her feel better. Works for Aunt Gracin all the time.”
Their faces light up at the idea, and I can already see Mom in the kitchen, pulling out paper and crayons for them. “Come on, Mister Carver.” Belly goes over, grabs the intimidating man’s hand, and drags him to the table.
Ordinarily, I'd keep a man like him, with death written in every line of his face, as far away from my girls as possible. But I have the feeling he needs them more than they needhim, and if he’s as close to Scotlyn as I suspect, they’ve just gained themselves another set of grandparents.
“I know you’re awake.” Saint's deep voice is comforting as I try to rest. “We should be taking you home.”
“No,” I murmur. I’m not leaving. Baltimore is my home now.
“We can protect you better there,” he growls, and I grin, knowing that will only annoy him more.
“You just want to be back with Lake.” If not for the pounding in my skull when I open my eyes, I’d stare him down like I want to.
I feel him shift on the bed. Not much makes my brother nervous, but Lake does. “No, I don’t.” I knew he’d deny it.
“Then what’s the hurry?” I’m met with silence, so I crack an eye open to see him scowling. “You’ll get lines if you keep that look up.”
“They’re wide open here. Anything could happen.”
“Easton said Sergei went back to Russia already. I wasn't worth the trouble he intended to cause, and he knew it.” I hope that’s true. If I’m being honest, the man terrified me. He had a malevolence that I’d never come up against before. Not even from Nick on his worst day.
I can feel Saint glaring at me. He hates when I talk down about myself, but it’s almost impossible to argue this point. “That doesn’t mean the danger is over.”
“He’s right.” It's Jaxson. My heart starts to pound, and butterflies erupt in my belly. His voice is deep, too, dark, with a hint of something threaded through his words. I’m not sure if it’s lust or another emotion.
“Don’t agree with him,” I groan. Sensing him walking across the wood floors, I hear the curtains being drawn along the rods to cover the blinds, and the room grows slightly darker.
“I don’t agree with you going back to Florida; however, I do agree that we don’t know if the danger has passed.”
Gently repositioning myself, a thought occurs to me. If they’re so worried about the possibility of something else happening, then that means I’m putting Jaxson’s precious daughters in jeopardy, and I don’t think that’s something I could live with.
Gulping past the lump in my throat, I force the words past my lips. “Maybe Ishouldgo then.” I sit up, pushing back thepain from moving so quickly. “I can’t be the one responsible if something happens to your girls.”
Scrunching my eyes so I can see a little bit, Jax is standing by the window with his arms crossed and an incredulous expression on his handsome face. He looks pissed. “Seriously? You think I’m not prepared to protect everyone on this property?” Saint stands up and gazes between us. Seeing the two of them so close, evenly matched in height and size, I’m a little afraid for whoever pisses them both off at the same time.
Alone, they’re like brick walls. Together, they stand like entire buildings.
“It’s not that.”
“Then what?” His barked question has me biting my lip as I slowly lie back down, my pounding head not ready for an argument. “Forget it. It doesn’t matter. You’re not walking into and then straight back out of my life like we never happened.”
Saint snorts. “Shouldn’tshebe saying that?”
“Shut up, Saint," I interject. “It’s not like you’re getting anywhere with Lake.” I hear him leave, grumbling about pain-in-the-ass women.
Turning on my side when I hear the door shut with a soft snick, I concentrate on Jaxson. Lord, he’s so good-looking, and he has this aura about him that draws me in. Even when I should be pushing him away.
Coming to lie beside me on the bed, he’s gentle as he touches me. Caressing one hand up and down my side. “How are you feeling?”
“Like someone beat the crap out of me.” I try to smile but wind up wincing instead. The curtains drawn over the shades have helped with the light, and my eyes are beginning to adjust. Jax raises a brow at me. “I'm sore, I want to sleep for a week, and I’d kill for a really warm bath.”
“You scared the shit out of me.” He presses his lips to my forehead, and I close my eyes, enjoying the contact, needing it more than I could ever express.