Page 15 of Delicate Dame
“The fuck you say!” I turn to see Saint with a hand on his father’s shoulder, the older man holding a blade in his hand, looking ready to slaughter.
“What do you know about who took her?” Saint hisses at me.
“My concern has been getting her taken care of. When she’s strong enough to tell me who fucking touched her, I’ll find him and fucking kill him.” Stretching my head side-to-side, I feel the tension tightening my muscles.
“It won’t be so easy,” Easton informs me. “Sergei Tumarov has already fled the country.” Pulling a picture out of his jacket, he hands it to me. The man resonates evil. “I’m betting once they discovered Scotty was gone, he cut his losses and left.”
“What’s your point?” Dad barks from where he leans against the SUV the group drove up in. I see Mom and Ev looking through the curtains of the house.
The sound of the barn door opening prevents Easton from answering. Scotlyn is wrapped in my sweater, attempting to push the door open further, so I rush to her side. “What are you doing? I told you to stay in bed, dammit.” Picking her up, I hold her fragile body close to my chest.
“I know.” She leans her head against me, shuddering from the exertion. “But I heard you guys arguing.”
“Baby girl,” Carver growls, but I see the anguish in his eyes. The matching anger to his son's, as well. “What did he do to you?” The man cups her cheek, and I feel her sigh.
“Come on inside!” Mom yells from the front door. “It’s too damn cold out here for her.” There’s no arguing with the woman. Leading the way, with Scotlyn in my arms, I feel her gaze on me when she recognizes who's called us in.
“Jaxson?” Her tone is quizzical as we enter the house.
“Sarah Fields will be here soon," my mother informs us. "She’s coming in from the city. Coffee's in the kitchen, boys. Help yourselves. Evie has breakfast cooking too.” It’s quite hysterical how all these men thank and follow her direction while I take Scotlyn to the living room, which can be seen from the kitchen.
Sitting in the overstuffed chair that faces where her family gathers, they are being poured coffee by Aunt Ev while Mom places a thick throw blanket across Scotlyn’s lap and whispers in my ear, “The girls are in the den watching Ariel. You won’t have long.”
“They’re yours, aren’t they?” Scotlyn asks, and I’m not sure whether I sense sadness in her tone or not.
Gazing down at the woman in my arms, the woman I am quickly falling in love with, I can’t lie to her any more than I could the twins. “Yes. Bethany and Bellamy.”
The agony zigzagging through my body makes everything around me appear out of focus and fuzzy. Everyone’s moving, talking, planning, but I can’t keep up. When I passed out on that barn floor, I truly wasn’t confident that I would wake up again. My mama’s voice was the comforting entity I needed to let go, and I was pretty sure it was the end for me.
Cuddling in Jaxson’s arms now, with my dad, brother, and cousin sitting on the inviting sofa across from us, keeping watch, I should feel comforted. Safe, even. But if I’m honest, I’m paralyzed with fear. After the fiasco that was Nick…the way he beat me…I didn’t think I’d ever feel this much terror again. But knowing that Sergei is still out there, I can't imagine how I will go on with my life and not be terrified of him coming after me again.
“Scotty.” Easton’s voice penetrates my thoughts, and when I lift my head to look at him, I’m immediately dizzy and feel nauseous. “Hey, hey, girl, none of that now.” My cousin grins at me the same way he’s done my entire life. Playful and filled with promise. A promise of retribution for what’s happened to me.
“Easy, sunshine.” Jaxson’s voice is soothing as his hold tightens, and he turns us so I can see Easton without having to move myself. His gentle kiss on my temple has tears pricking at my eyes. The sweet gesture is almost too much right now.
“You ready, Scotty?” Easton tries again.
“For what?” I’m sure he’s already said, but I just can’t concentrate right now.
From the look he shares with Daddy and Saint, I get the feeling we’ve done this already. “I asked if you remember anything from the night of the ballet?”
I smile wide. “Two pretty, little girls. I wish I could see them again. I remember being their age and loving the ballet.”
Jaxson’s body tenses beneath me as everyone in the room grows grim. “What? Were they not there? Did I imagine them?”That would be disappointing. Despite it being my favorite performance of my career, those girls made the entire evening worth all the labor.
A strong hand with thick fingers and a callous palm slowly turns my head, and I’m staring into Jaxson’s stunning eyes as he watches me with concern. “Sunshine, they were real.” His voice is grave. “But I think you might have a concussion because, baby, I just told you an hour ago that those were my girls.”
“You did?” When I frown, there’s a pounding in my head, so I try to close my eyes, but I only get dizzy again. “I’d, uhm, I’d like…” Everything feels jumbled together as a reel of images plays through my mind.
The music from the ballet.
The dancing.
Laughter, smiles, excited fans.
Then pain.