Page 26 of Chasing You
“I’m over having eyes on your brother.” She bumps my shoulder right back. “Hey, Sam.” She leans over to give him a smile. He gives her a chin nod, his eyes not leaving the field. “Oh gosh,” Melody says right after one the teenage boys steps back with the ball in his hand, launching it down the field toward Blake.
It lands right in his hands, and Blake takes off toward the end zone to try to score. He doesn’t see Vincent coming. I don’t think any of us did. He’d been holding back how quick he truly was, and he’s going in for his kill shot.
I cringe as Vincent’s body collides hard into Blake’s. Blake is propelled backward a good seven feet. I hear a crack of some kind. The ball flies back into the air. Ezra intercepts it, taking off down the field in the other direction.
Blake is laid out flat on his back on the ground. His hand lifts to cover his face. “So he’s not unconscious. No need to rush over,” Sam says, unmoving as the crowd all gasps. Vincent towers over Blake, staring down at him.
“Emma!” Mayor Finley calls my name. “He’s bleeding!” He points across the field as some of the crowd start to cheer for Ezra as he returns the interception for a touchdown.
“Oh, is he?” I grab my stupid bag to follow after the mayor. Oddly, I notice out of the corner of my eye none of the other local cops rush over.
“The fuck is wrong with you?” I hear Blake say when I make it across the field.
“Sometimes I forget how strong I am. Oops. Nothing worse than hitting someone smaller than you.” Vincent shrugs as Blake sits up. I hold in a gasp when I see his hand is over his nose, which is gushing blood. I don’t need to see it to know it’s broken.
“Don’t you touch me.” He glares at me. “If you don’t think I know what’s going on here, you’re wrong. I’ll have your job,” Blake shouts as he holds his nose.
“Listen here, you—”
“Don’t.” I jump in front of Vincent, knowing that’s the only way I’ll be able to stop him. I drop my bag to place my hands flat against Vincent's bare chest. Half the town is watching this, but luckily they can’t hear because we’re on the opposite side of the field. The deadly look in Vincent’s eyes as he stares down at Blake makes it clear this is far from over.
“Sam, can you please come check my son over? I don’t know what’s going on here, but that’s for another time,” Mayor Finley says. The one person who could actually take my job.
Sam handsa wad of gauze to Blake, who is still lying on the ground, writhing in pain. “Apply pressure.”
“It hurts,” he whines.
I didn’t even hit him that hard. A broken nose is all he got when he should have a broken collarbone, too, but I decided at the last minute that might be too hard to explain and held off. I regret it now.
“Give him some pain killers,” demands Mayor Finley.
“The protocol for a nose break is—”
“Do I look like I fucking care what the protocol is?” Mayor Finley explodes. “And you, how could you be so damned slow?” He shakes an angry finger at his son. I guess we know where Blake gets his temper. “Who’s your superior?”
It takes me a second to realize he’s addressing me. “Why?”
“Because I’m reporting this, and you will be court martialed. You will all go down for this.”
I place an arm around Emma’s shoulders. “Don’t worry. I didn’t share this with you before, but I’ve got some money. You won’t have to work.”
“He does,” Frank confirms. “It’s the only reason I’m letting him live to see tomorrow.”
“Thanks, man. I’m glad to know where you stand.” I throw my friend a look of mock disgust.
“I like my job, though.” Emma’s lower lip comes out. I want to kiss her pout right off her face.
“We can set up a private ambulance service so the townspeople can continue to use you.”
“You’re not listening,” Mayor Finley breaks in. “I said you’re—”
“I know. You sounded like a bad villain too.” Mayor Finley has an outsized estimation of his influence. “I don’t think this is a violation of the UCMJ, but I’ll text his number to you. Admiral Marks will be happy to discuss the potential ramifications of someone getting injured during a football game with some teens.”
“Court martial for sure,” says Frank in such a way that we all know he’s kidding. “I’ve heard of helicopter parents, but aren’t you taking it a little too far?” he adds.