Page 15 of Chasing You
“Something they don’t want going out over the radio. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to put that shit together.” He nods in agreement.
It doesn’t take long for us to get to their place. I grab my bag and cut through the backyard and go to the deck door to knock. Tina slides it open for us.
“Thank you for coming. I’m just worried she’s got a concussion or something,” Tina says as I follow her through the kitchen and stop when we get to the living room. Brittany is sitting on the sofa. She lifts her head, and I can see the marks on her neck. Her eyes are already swelling up.
“Please don’t call the police. There is nothing to report. Things just got out of hand. He can get rough and doesn't know his strength,” Brittany rushes to say before I can utter a word. I know who theheis without her having to tell me. We all do. The unspoken name hangs in the room all around us.
“Not going to call anyone, but let us check you over.”
“Swear it.” Brittany’s eyes fill with tears. A knot forms in my throat, but I push it down.
“I swear it.” Her whole body relaxes at my words. I walk over, placing my bag down on the floor before sitting down on the sofa next to her to do what I can.
My little games with Chief Blake Finley are about to take on a whole new level.
After Emma leaves for work,Mrs. C makes good use of her free labor, and by that I mean she has us hauling things. We help clean out the back basement where things have been stored since the '70s. Maybe earlier. I don’t even recognize half the items we lug up the stairs, but one’s an old washing machine that her great grandma used to have. It’s not electric but a wash basin with two rollers attached at the top. When I asked what it was, she explained it was to wring the water out of the fabric.
I think she’s trying to keep us busy so we don’t fight. My suspicions are confirmed when she sends us to clean an already spotless car.
“How long are you gonna be mad at me?” I ask as I wipe down the clear windshield. Mr. C takes good care of his belongings.
“How long are you gonna be panting after my sister?”
“Can we have a fistfight? I’ll let you get in a few hits and we’ll drink and be done with this.”
He clamps his mouth shut and disappears to the other side.
“I’m not gonna do anything with your sister that she doesn’t want done to her,” I say.
His head pops up. “You can stop talking any minute.”
I frown. “You should be glad it’s me and not some random dude around town. You’ve always said no one here is good enough for her.”
“That wasn’t an invitation for you to hit on her. No one here is good enough for her and neither are you. And don’t give me any crap about her being grown up. She’s my baby sister, she will always be my baby sister, and she’s your sister too because you’re supposed to be my brother.” He shakes an angry finger across the roof of the car.
I have zero fraternal thoughts toward Emma, that’s for damn sure. “So if I married her, would you refuse to come to our 25th wedding anniversary party because she’s still your baby sister?”
He swipes an arm across his forehead and adjusts his hat, contemplating my question for a few seconds. “Guess it depends.”
I blow out a frustrated stream of air. “I was going to ask you to explain, but I think it’s only going to piss me off.”
He doesn’t get to respond because at that moment Emma comes careening to a stop in front of the house.
“Men fucking suck,” Emma spits out as she slams the door to her Neon Leaf.
Frank’s eyes bug out. “Not all men.”
She whirls on her brother. “All of them, including you”—she jabs her brother’s chest—“and you.” Even I’m not saved.
“What’d you do?” snarls Frank. He throws down his rag and starts toward me.
Emma shoves him—not very well—backward. “He didn’t do nothing. He’s just existing just like all you penises.”
“Bad day at work?” I guess. Emma’s an EMT. She’s bound to see shit that hurts her spirit including men beating up women.